VERVE Workout of the Week (WOW)
3 Rounds for time:
5 Bar or ring muscle ups
15 Wall balls
Run 400 Meters
**Remember to wear a mask into the gym and to bring different shoes to work out in. Coaches will take you through all protocols when you arrive. One person at a time will be let in so we can check your temperature and give you time to take your shoes off. Thank you in advance.
W10 D1
W10 D1
Row, bike, or run
30:00 @ RPE 3-5
Rest 5:00
20:00 @ RPE 3-5
Rest 4:00
10:00 @ RPE 3-5
5 Rounds For Time:
10 Push Jerks 135#(95#)
10 Box Jumps
10 Cal Row
At home version/options
5 Rounds For Time:
10/10 Single Arm Push Jerk
10 Box Jumps or Tuck Jumps
200 Meter sprint
Barbell Complex of the Week
2 Squat cleans +
2 Hang Squat cleans +
2 Front squats
Work up to a heavy to form complex in
20:00. Try every 2:00 x 10 rounds or if
you need more rest, go on the 2:30