8 Rounds For Time of:
8 Shoulder-2-Overhead 115#(75#)
8 Front Rack Lunges 115#(75#)
8 Box Jumps 20″ (everyone)
For the box jumps just go fast as possible
and don’t fully extend at the top. Once
your feet touch the top of the box it’s a rep.
At Home Option/Mods
8 Rounds For Time of:
8/8 Single arm Shoulder-2-Overhead
8 Goblet Lunges
8 Tuck Jumps
*If you have 2 DB’s or KB’s use them and
do just 8 reps of the S20.
*Do box jumps if you have a box or
something to jump on. If doing this note
there is no requirement to stand fully on
the box. Once your feet hit the top it is a
good rep, just focus on going FAST