If anyone needs protein or anything else that we normally carry in the retail room email me, eric@crossfitverve.com, and I can coordinate a time for you to come by and pick some up. We have Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemon Sorbet, and Cappuccino Whey protein in stock. If you need anything else we typically carry, send me an email and I’ll let you know what we have available. Thanks!
Every minute on the minute for 30:00
Minute 1 = 10 – 15 Russian KB swings
Minute 2 = 30 Alternating jumping lunges
(Squeeze glutes on each rep)
Minute 3 = Max effort handstand hold
(Free standing or against a wall, but you only get 1 attempt)
Minute 4 = 20 Sit ups + Hollow hold for remaing time in minute (You work for the whole minute!)
Minute 5 = Bottom of squat hold (Weighted or unweighted) Try to hold for entire minute
Still working on kicking up in a handstand, you can alternate between practicing for :45 and wall walk plus :10 – :15 hold