Thursday 190822




For time:
100 Double unders
20 Push jerk, 135#(95#)
30 Bar facing burpees
400m Run w/ medball 20#(14#)
30 Bar facing burpees
20 Push jerk, 135#(95#)
100 Double unders

Post times to comments and BTWB


4 Rounds, every “round” is:
4 Rounds
7 Heavy KB/ DB deadlift
10 Box jumps, 24″(20″)
**Rest 1 min after each 4 round piece**

Amelia getting Sprint class ready to workout.



This Saturday we are having a little in house competition.
Here are the workouts:

WOD #1
a- In 5 minutes, both partners must establish a 1RM clean & jerk. Score is total load.
1 min transition
b- In 5 minutes partners will move as much weight as possible from ground to overhead. Score is total pounds moved. Movement and weights are picked by athlete.

WOD #2
Partner run, 400m w/ plate (each person has their own plate, run is around the block)
Then 30-20-10 reps
Synchro burpees to the plate
Synchro ground to overhead with the plate
Partner run, 400m w/ plate
Weights m-45#, w-25#. Scale is m-35#, w-15#.
Partners do not have to run together but they can not start synchro part until both are present and time will not stop until both are back at the gym.
Time cap is 15 min

With a 10 minute clock:
200′ HS walk, alternating every 50′ (sub is orange lid drag or partner assisted HS walk)
50/ 45/ 40 cal row, must switch every 25 for men, 25/20 for guy/ girl, 20 for women (so this just depends on the paring)
With whatever time is remaining, accumulate as many points as possible- Kipping pull-up = 1 point, kipping CTB= 2 points, BMU = 3 points

Floater (WOD#4)
In 5 minutes, accumulate as many points as possible in a game of Spike Ball.

**For additional WOD details, click here.

Here is the schedule:

WOD #1- 9:30am-9:41am

Floater- 9:55am- 10:45am

WOD #2- 11:05am- 11:20am

WOD #3- 12:00pm-12:10pm

Awards- 12:30pm

Do you want to get a workout in on Saturday?
You have two options:

1- You may arrive prior to the start of any of the above listed workouts, warm yourself up, and participate in the workout. We will set you up along with the teams without a judge. You can enjoy working out with others without any competitive non sense.

2- We will have open gym from 1pm-2pm.

Want to volunteer to help judge? Click here.

━ Past WODs

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

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