Thursday 190718




21-15-12-9-6-3 Reps for time:
Burpee to a plate
Overhead walking lunge steps, 45#(25#)
*After each round, run 200m with plate

Post times to BTWB


4 Rounds every 5:00:
400m Run
20 Toes to bar
10 Single arm KB push jerk, 53#(35#)

Courtney getting last night’s classes warmed up for snatching.

Dear Verve members,

 Some of you know but I would bet many of you do not, that my life before CrossFit Verve included working as a Paramedic for the fire department. I left that life to become a full time trainer at Verve, but in the last 6 years I have maintained my Paramedic credentials because I knew there would be time when I would return to it. 

Last week I was given a final job offer to work for South Metro Fire Rescue. I will start my journey as a Paramedic for the fire department once again starting with the fall 2019 fire academy. An academy which starts Monday August 12th.

What does that mean for Verve? Well, it means that for about 4 months you will not see my face Monday-Friday. I will be at Verve on Saturdays, either to coach classes or to simply take a class and continue to see as many of you people as I can. If I am not here on a weekend it is because there will be the occasional local seminar for HQ that I will be working. They are also excited for my new journey and for me to continue my role with them, even in a now limited capacity.

When I graduate, I will return to coaching around my new 48/96 work schedule. You will see me more but on a rotating period. I will remain a co-owner of Verve with Clancy. Clancy and I have had several conversations over the past year, we have worked to refine our communication and create a working relationship that will allow us to continue to be productive together in keeping Verve as successful as it currently is. 

Verve is my home away from home. It has been for 10 years. I apologize now for those of you that I may not see much for the few months I am in academy. Please know that I am still a part of your community. I am still an email address you can contact for questions. I am still here for you if you need anything.

While some of you might enjoy the break from me yelling at you during workouts, don’t start celebrating just yet. I will enjoy seeing you folks as much as I can until August 12th.  



━ Past WODs

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Wednesday 240103

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

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