Thursday 190711




Sumo deadlift

Then, 3 rounds for quality:
50′ KB overhead walk
50′ KB front rack walking lunge
10 Double KB swing

Post loads to BTWB


On a 20 minute clock:
5 Rounds
10 Toes to bar
5 Handstand push-ups
In remaining time, as many rounds and reps as possible of: 
500m Row
50 Double unders

Garret and Stan partnered up during a local competition.


We know you guys like participating in local competitions. . . well you cannot get more local than an in-house competition.

That’s right folks, Verve will be hosting an in-house partner competition on Saturday August 24th. The partnerships can be guy/ guy, guy/ girl, girl/ girl. There will not be different divisions, there will only be 3 podium spots. The workouts have already been written and we promise ANYONE and EVERYONE can do them. 

The cost will be approx $20 per person, with all the money going strictly to prizes for the top 3 teams. There will be 3 workouts and a floater. One of the workouts has two scoring opportunities, making for 5 possible scores throughout the comp. And I’ll just tell you now. . . the floater will involve Spike Ball. 😉 Seriously. 

We will update you with a sign up and the workouts will be posted the week before. Plus afterwards, later in the evening, we will have a post comp party at a local bar to celebrate. If you are unable to attend the comp, you are absolutely welcome to join us later for drinks. 

We will need volunteers to help us judge the workouts, so also stay tuned for a volunteer sign up. 

Mark your calendars, find your partners, and start learning the ins and outs of Spike Ball, cause it’s gonna be a fun day.

━ Past WODs

Wednesday 240320

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Wednesday 240103

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Sunday 230917

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

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