Tuesday 190611




Every minute on the minute for 24 minutes
Minute 1 : Muscle ups, bar or ring or pull ups
Minute 2 : Handstand push ups or walking
Minute 3 : Toes to bar or knees to elbow
Minute 4 : Double or Triple unders

Today is your choice. It can be a skill day to work on movements with
the coaches or you can go hard and make it an intensity day.

All the above options will have progressions and drills

Post to BTWB


5 rounds
:90 Prowler Push
:90 Walking Lunges
:90 Ass Bike Sprint
:90 rest


3 Muscle snatch + 3 Pause overhead squat (:03) + 3 Tall snatch+
3 Zotts press x 2 sets

Snatch Balance
Move up in weight each set

1×3, 2×2, 2×1

Front squat 4×3

3 Sets of:
12 Hip extensions
Side plank hold :45 per side
Hollow hold x :30

Some pre-wod hip mobility

━ Past WODs

Wednesday 240320

As many of you have noticed, MBO is no longer available. We are switching to Beyond The Whiteboard for scheduling and membership charging...

Wednesday 240103

Bring a Friend Week(s) Starting January 15th and running through January 27th, we will be having Bring a Friend Weeks. If you have friends...

Sunday 230917

Every minute on the minute for 25:00 Minute 1 15 Calories on the rowerMinute 2 10 Toes to barMinute 3 15 Calories on the bike...

Saturday 230916

With a partner With a 22:00 5-10-15-20-25Power snatch 135#(95#)15-12-9-6-3Ring muscle ups Run 200 meters together after each set With the remaining time:Build to a heavy power snatch Scores =...

Friday 230915

Every 2:30 x 54 Front squats*Use the back squat weight from 090823For time:50 Wallballs 20#(14#)Row 250 meters20 Ab mat sit upsRow 250 meters35 Wallballs...
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