Complete the following for time:
120 Calories total on Rower, Bike, or SKi Erg
50 Handstand push ups
20 Rope climbs
50 Box jump overs 24″”(20)
120 Second L-sit accumulation
*20:00 time cap
*Score is time to complete or total reps
*Can break up in any order and rep scheme
Post to BTWB
As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of
600 Meter run
50 Double Unders
15 Hand Release Push Ups
Snatch: Work up to a heavy single for the day
Clean and jerk: Work up to a heavy single for the day
Front Squat: Work up to a heavy single for the day in 5 sets or less
Back Squat: 2×10
3 Sets of
10 Hip extensions
25 ab mat sit ups