Thursday 181115



For time:
Row 1000 Meters
20 Pull ups
25 Box jumps 24″(20″)
30 Shoulder to overhead 95#(65)
40 Bar facing burpees
30 Shoulder to overhead 95#(65#)
25 Box jumps 24″(20″)
20 Pull ups
Run 800 Meters

Post times to comments and BTWB


Keep your eye on the prize By Courtney Shepherd

The snatch has quite a bit of technique to it. . . so many things to think about. Feet, grip, shoulders, pull the bar close, shrug and pull under. . . all the things. I want to talk about just one thing. One piece amongst all the others. While it may seem small, it can have a big effect on the set up, the execution, and the receiving position of the snatch. 

Where do you look in the snatch? 

Ideally we would want to find a point on the horizon (roughly straight ahead) and maintain visual contact with that same point in the set up, throughout the execution, and in the receiving position. A fault in where we look is in looking in multiple places. It starts with looking down and as the movement is executed our gaze changes as the position of our torso changes. In the receiving position, we finish looking straight ahead. 

In the video Jared does a great job of showing a snatch with maintained visual contact and another snatch with a change in gaze with change in position. Keep in mind Jared is demoing with an empty barbell. But in the video, if you watch his feet, you can see when his visual contact stays in the same place, so do his feet. When his visual contact changes, he jumps back in the landing. 

Keeping visual contact with the same spot throughout helps keep us balanced and moving in the same plane. Changing where we look changes the plane our body moves in, for Jared this created a hop backwards to finish the lift. Hopping backwards is not the worst thing and as you can see, Jared was still successful in the lift. But just imagine adding more weight. The greater the load makes small inefficiencies become more pronounced and punishing. 

When you get set up, find something to look at keep your eye on that prize for the whole movement. 

━ Past WODs

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