For time:
Run 200 Meters
5 Back squats 225#(155#)
Run 400 Meters
10 Back squats 225#(155#)
Run 600 Meters
15 Back squats 225#(155#)
Run 800 Meters
20 Back squats 225#(155#)
Run 1000 Meters
Post time to BTWB
Saturday October 13th Schedule Change
This Saturday we are hosting The Aerobic Capacity Seminar. The seminar is only 1 day, but it will mean that we have an abridged schedule.
The seminar begins at 9:00 am and runs until 4:00 pm. Check is at 8:30 am so we need to have class wrapped up by check in time.
We will have 1 class at 7:00 am and then the gym will be closed for the remainder of the day. Sprint will also be cancelled, but Sprint members are invited to the 7:00 am class.
Sunday we will have our regular class schedule with the WOD at 9:00 am and then Open Gym at 10:00 am.
We have 2 of our trainers attending the course on Saturday so they will gain a ton of applicable information that they can use when leading their future classes. We don’t like closing the gym often, and when we do, it’s usually for a seminar that we know our trainers will gain some valuable knowledge that they can then pass on to our members in class.
Please sign up for class in MBO. Thank you in advance.