Every 4:00 x 5 rounds:
4 Back squats
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Many of use have been using Beyond the Whiteboard to track our workouts, give each other virtual high fives for a job well done or talk smack, and to see how our friends did on a workout. Besides being an easy way to track our workouts BTWB also has some great content on it’s site.
Pat Sherwood, a well known CrossFit personality, former Navy SEAL, and Level 4 coach wrote an article in 2015 for BTWB about his experiences with CrossFit and some of the lessons he has learned over his many years of doing CrossFit. Below are a few of the highlights from the article. For the full read, click HERE.
Take training seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously. Have more fun. When you are new, every day seems like it’s raining PRs. That will eventually slow down. Always strive to improve, but learn to enjoy going to the gym, working hard and going home … regardless of how the workout went.
When it comes to getting fit, you can’t beat the classics: couplets, triplets, chippers, EMOMs, heavy lifting, gymnastics, running, etc. I’ve been very lucky to interview and spend a lot of time with the fittest people in our community. I will let the cat out of the bag: There is no secret training. Don’t cherry-pick workouts. Work your weaknesses. Train with variance. You will improve.
Crawl. Walk. Run. Master the basics. These days people see the CrossFit Games and they want top-level lifts and times immediately. That’s not the way it works. Those men and women have put in years of work to be able to do what they do. You will have to do the same. Don’t be in a rush to advance. Do not blow off the fundamentals only to develop bad habits you will one day need to break.
Help others on their journey. Remember when you first picked up a barbell or tried a muscle-up? Remember when you could not kip or even do a single pull-up? Remember when proper nutrition seemed overwhelming and confusing? Do you remember the person who did not look down on you for being inexperienced, but rather genuinely cared and helped you? Be that person.