Every 2:00 x 4 sets
5 Push press
10 Rounds for max reps:
0:15 Strict pull-ups
0:30 Push-ups
0:45 Air squats
0:30 Rest
Post loads and reps to comments and BTWB
Femme Royale is just around the corner. . .
Ladies!! It’s not too late to get signed up for this one day, partner competition being held at Verve on Saturday September 8th. Femme Royale has 3 conception divisions: For Fun, 50/50, and RX. Having 3 divisions means that quite literally anyone can participate. There is something for every skill level. For more information and to register, click here. The workouts are already listed, so you can start practicing now.
Gentlemen and ladies not competing!! We could always use some volunteers to help the day run smoothly. We need help with judging athletes during the workouts and assisting with equipment set-up throughout the day. Femme Royale gives each volunteer $20, lunch (which usually comes from Jimmy Johns), and a t-shirt that says “judge” if you are judging. Here’s what we need from you:
*Click here to see our volunteer sign up sheet.
*Fill in name and email.
*Put an “X” in all areas that apply- Can you help us in the morning? How about the afternoon? Both? Put an “X” in all that apply. Would you prefer to judge? How about just move equipment around? Doesn’t matter, you could do either? Put an “X” in all that apply.
Labor Day is next Monday. Verve will have an abbreviated schedule. Please see MBO for class times and sign up to reserve your spot.
We are aware there is no listed “Sprint” class. We welcome all Sprint only members to join any one of the class/ open gym times listed on the holiday.