Thursday 180823



5 Rounds NOT for time:
6 Back squats*
6 Box jumps, 36″(30″)
100′ Prowler or plate push
200m Row, sprint

*AHAP = As heavy as possible without a break in the set or without a breakdown in technique. 

Post loads to comments and BTWB

Krisitn and Mike are super bummed about something happening at Verve lately. You should read the blog to learn all about what brings these two down.

This Public Service Announcement is brought to you by a concerned business owner:

Folks, I’m sorry that I have to say this but Verve is currently having a major problem with cars being broken into in the parking lot across the street. The culprit(s) will break a window and take whatever they see. We have posted about this several times in the CrossFit Verve social page on Facebook, but it’s continuing to happen, and when it does I hear some pretty common things:

  • But my car was locked.
  • There was nothing of value that they stole.
  • Is it really happening in the middle of the day?

I am going to try and be super blunt and give you as much detail as possible because truly the only way to stop this problem is to prevent this problem.

I hope you understand it does not matter if your car is locked. They are breaking windows. Locks mean nothing.

It does not matter if what they took from your car had value to you or not. They do not know that, they simply see something that has the potential for value, and they are willing to take it. So the question is, are you willing to lose a window over a gym bag with wrist wraps and olympic lifting shoes? “Why would anyone want to steal that?”. Well, they wouldn’t, but to them it’s a bag that may contain something else. 

Yes, it’s happening during the day. The prime times seem to be 6:30am and 4:30pm. I believe these times are being hit most frequently because that is when the parking lot is the most full. It is easier for people to slip between cars, casing and smashing without being seen. I think people have also become aware that when someone leaves their car, they are either going to yoga or Verve, which means they will not be returning to the car for about an hour, so bad people have some time. 

At this point, it has occurred with such frequency the Denver Police will not respond to take a report. You can call them and they will simply advise that you file one online. They have mentioned increasing patrol, but I have yet to see it. 

The parking lot is private property owned by EXDO. They have discussed adding cameras. Seems like that might be nice, but can we honestly ask ourselves if we think that will prevent this problem? I don’t think people smashing car windows in the middle of the day give any cares about cameras. So then, what? What can be done about this problem?


That’s it. Whether you think it has value or not, do not leave stuff visible in your car. Do not leave it in the console, on the floorboards, in the back seat. . . either lock it in the trunk or bring it into Verve. 

I am begging you from the bottom of my heart. I have no way of helping you when this tragedy happens. All I can do is continue to warn you and hope that the warning is listened to. I don’t have an answer for why this has become such a big problem in the last month. And genuinely the only solution I can offer is what I have said before, don’t leave anything in your car. 

Again, I’m sorry that this is even an issue that needs to be addressed. Please let me know if you have any other questions, if I know the answer, I will give them to you. 

Thank you,

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