3 Rounds for time
10 Ring Muscle-Ups
30 Wall Ball 20#(14#) 10′(9′)
75 Double Unders
Post time to BTWB
Hope everyone had a great New Years Day, ate a lot, and recovered. We are back to our regular schedule today. We have plenty of events and classes happening in the next month or so. Below are 2 classes that are starting this week and information about how to get started.
Starting January 4th– Verve Barbell Club is back with a 6 week cycle. The 4th will be a test day to figure out your 1 RM snatch and 1 RM clean & jerk. The 6 week cycle will begin the following week of January 8th. It will be 3 days per week (Mon/ Tues/ Thurs) 7pm-8pm. Cost for Verve members is $40, cost for non-Verve members is $150. To register or if you have additional questions, please email courtney@crossfitverve.com.
Starting January 6th– CrossFit Kids on Saturday mornings with coach Haley!! We will be starting a kids program on Saturday mornings @ 8am. Parents can purchase a 10 punch card for $95 or there will be a $15 drop in rate. All purchases can be made on Verve’s square system. Parents do not need to be members of Verve to get their kids involved in the Kid’s class.