3 Rounds for time:
15 Bar facing burpees
15 Shoulder to overhead, 135#(95#)
Post times to comments and BTWB
This Sunday Verve is excited to show some love and support to Frank Moore and his non profit company CellCycle. Frank founded CellCycle last year when his 6 year old niece was diagnosed with childhood leukemia. To raise donations and support for this company, last year Frank rode his bike 200 miles across Switzerland over 4 days, climbing a little over 20,000 vertical feet through the Alps.
In this, it’s sophomore year, Frank and CellCycle continue to work hard to raise funds and support, with 100% of the money raised going directly to individuals affected by blood cancer.
“Patient’s with blood cancer (or leukemia and lymphoma) are important to me for a few reasons. Foremost, a member of my family was diagnosed with leukemia a little less than a year ago. And not just any member of our family, but one of the youngest members of our family. My brother’s daughter Etta, our niece, was diagnosed on December 23rd 2015 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL) at 6 years old. I struggled finding ways to be useful during this time given my brother, his wife and their 2 children live in Portland Oregon. It took some time, but I came to realize there is so much that can be done to help this community and patient’s and their families are often too busy with treatment to fundraise in earnest for this cause. Furthermore as a medical doctor who specializes blood cancer, I had diagnosed this same disease 100 times before it became personal and this has changed me forever. I am not happy that a family member has life-threatening illness, but I am not going to miss the lessons it will teach.”
This Sunday will be an opportunity to join Frank in his cause. We are opening our doors to anyone interested in joining us and showing their support.
When: Sunday July 30th
Class time: 10am and 11am
Class cost: $0, instead we ask that you consider a donation to CellCycle. Any donation over $30 earns you a shirt.
Who: Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us. Bring your friends and family. The workout is a partner workout suitable for all experience levels. We simply ask that you and your friends please sign up in MBO so we have a head count.
After: Whole Foods will be providing snacks and refreshments following the 11am WOD.
So stop by Verve and support one of it’s members in his amazing cause to fight blood cancer. For more information about CellCycle, click here.