3 Rounds for time of:
30 Deadlfits 115#(75#)
30 Pull ups
Post results to comments or BTWB
This Saturday is “Bring a Friend to Verve” day. We invite you to bring a friend to check out Verve and enjoy a free workout. If they are new to CrossFit, no worries, our workouts are always scaleable to meet the needs and abilities of all who join. We simply ask that you and your friend sign up for a class in MBO, so we can have a head count.
Stick around after the workout and get ready to throw down at Verve’s first Cornhole Tournament!!
- $10 per person to enter, must be cash (cause the $ goes to the winners. If you bring all ones, someone can make it rain)
- All names of those entered will be thrown in a hat. Names for partners are drawn at 1pm. There will be brief partner introductions, a team name produced, a few practice reps thrown, and go time!!
- Rules fully addressed the day of, double elimination style play
Bring beer, snacks or desserts, or anything you’d like to cook on the grille (yeah, we be grilling while we throwing)
- Family and friends are welcome to participate or spectate
So mark your calendars, start practicing your toss at home, keep the shoulders mobilized, and let’s get ready to rumble!