As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
50 Double unders
10 Power snatch, 75#(55#)
10 Box jump overs
Post rounds and reps to comments and BTWB
It’s t-shirt time!! Verve has their newest shirt on the printing block, we just need to know how many to make.
**We will start the pre-sale process tomorrow (Friday May 5th) and it will go for two weeks (through Friday May 19th @ 5pm).**
How does the pre-sale work??
1) Go to our self serve square system or Online Store
2) Pick the item(s) you want. Shirt or tank or both and sizes for anything.
3) In this same area there is box labeled “Notes and Quantity”, in this box we need you to type your name for the order. Why?? Because we can’t always read your signatures. 🙂 This helps us distribute the orders when they arrive at Verve.
4) Check out using a credit card and you are done.
We will have a log of all the orders that will be sent in after 5pm on Friday May 19th. It may take a week or so to get the shirts printed and back to Verve, then we will happily notify you to come pick your order up. Let us know if you have any questions.
Speaking of questions. . . . got any questions about nutrition?? (and she seamlessly transitions to the next topic)
Monday May 8th @ 8pm, Verve will be hosting a nutrition talk. We will intro with why nutrition is even important (it’s our hedge against sickness and chronic disease), why what we eat is important (it’s all about those balanced hormones), and how adding in precision and accuracy can help us find our optimal performance levels (I’m talking about the Zone). This is a basic intro to nutrition, but it is important to understand that just like CrossFit, we will be coming in at different stages in our nutritional journey. Meaning we may all be starting in different places. We can scale nutrition just like we scale workouts. So stop by Verve, get the basic info and then let’s find a way to make it work for you.
This talk is free to anyone interested, even your friends that are not members of Verve. We simply ask that everyone sign up in MBO so we can have a head count. Let us know if you have any questions.