Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3
Front Squat 3-3-3
Then, 3 rounds for quality:
10 single leg steps-ups (5 per side), 24″(20″) @ 40% of 3 rep back squat
Post loads to comments and BTWB
Is the obesity crisis hiding a bigger problem? By Dr. Peter Attia
“As a young surgeon, Peter Attia felt contempt for a patient with diabetes. She was overweight, he thought, and thus responsible for the fact that she needed a foot amputation. But years later, Attia received an unpleasant medical surprise that led him to wonder: is our understanding of diabetes right? Could the precursors to diabetes cause obesity, and not the other way around? A look at how assumptions may be leading us to wage the wrong medical war.”
Dr. Attia opens this TED Talk with his story about his overweight, diabetic patient. The thoughts he had regarding his patient I think are, unfortunately, thoughts some of us may have had at some point in our lives. We don’t have to be doctors to encounter someone that is overweight. As much as this is hard to say because, for someone close to me, it may be hard to hear, but have we ever thought to ourselves that a person’s obesity is simply their problem? Dr. Attia expresses the way he felt when he first met his patient,
“You see, unlike the woman the night before, this woman had type 2 diabetes. She was fat. And we all know that’s from eating too much and not exercising enough, right? I mean, how hard can it be? As I looked down at her in the bed, I thought to myself, if you just tried caring even a little bit, you wouldn’t be in this situation at this moment with some doctor you’ve never met about to amputate your foot.”
The purpose of this TED Talk is to take a beginning look into the fact that perhaps we look at the relationship between obesity and diabetes (insulin resistance) incorrectly,
“Now, most researchers believe obesity is the cause of insulin resistance. Logically, then, if you want to treat insulin resistance, you get people to lose weight, right? You treat the obesity. But what if we have it backwards? What if obesity isn’t the cause of insulin resistance at all? In fact, what if it’s a symptom of a much deeper problem, the tip of a proverbial iceberg?”
I think we can all agree that what we consume has an impact on our lives. It doesn’t just impact our weight, it affects our mood, our sleep, our performance in sport and the gym, it can affect our sex lives. But the hard part is actually understanding what is and is not the best food to consume.
” I’d hypothesize that it might be our increased intake of refined grains, sugars and starches that’s driving this epidemic of obesity and diabetes, but through insulin resistance, you see, and not necessarily through just overeating and under-exercising.”
Dr. Attia had a very personal experience regarding insulin resistance that left him asking the question “If the conventional wisdom about nutrition had failed me, was it possible it was failing someone else?” Hearing this question may be an eye opener for some of you, because maybe you’ve been thinking it too? Maybe you’ve been following a diet plan, maybe you think you’ve been doing it all right, but your blood work disagrees or you are still battling medical problems that you were hoping your diet could correct. Or perhaps this isn’t happening to you but to someone you love.
Obesity and diabetes affects many of us, either personally or a family member or friend. I would highly suggest you take 15 minutes to sit and listen to Dr. Attia and hear the future of studying these two epidemics.