Three rounds for time:
21-15-9 Reps push jerk, 155#(105#)
42-30-18 Reps box jump, 24″(20″)
21-15-9 Reps toes to bar
Post times to comments and BTWB

Verve schedule changes, what’s up with that?
In the past few months Verve has seen many new faces walk through it’s doors. Some not so new but returning from taking a little time away, some completely new to the great state of Colorado, and those that simply heard about this crazy thing called CrossFit and want to give it a try. What ever brought you here, Verve is more than happy to have you. As Verve grows we constantly strive to provide all it’s athletes with the best coaching and overall best experience possible while you are here. Which is why starting next week we will be implementing a change in our schedule. On Tuesday evenings only we will have classes starting on the half hour. There will be a 5pm, 5:30pm, 6pm, and 6:30pm class. These classes will still be an hour long and they will be capped at 12 athletes. This is an attempt to provide more woding opportunities during our busiest time of the day. We are doing this one day/ week as a trial run, so please give us your feedback.
Speaking of changes to the schedule, please note that Memorial Day we will be hosting WODs on an abbreviated schedule. We like to take this opportunity to do a hero WOD in honor of the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country.
We are also hosting a Happy Hour at Lucky Pie Pizza & Taphouse on Friday May 23rd @ 5:30pm. Drink specials will be offered and a portion of the sales for those specials will be donated to Team Verve and their trip to Regionals.
Lastly we will be planning a Rockies outing Saturday June 7th. Stay tuned for details. Lots of fun activities planned this summer, all as great opportunities to come together outside of the gym and continue to strengthen this amazing Verve family.