Monday 140120



Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

Post weights to comments and BTWB. 


The 2014 CrossFit Open 

Yes, it’s here. The competition for the everyman. Or woman. The competition for the every-person. Or just every person. Not all will make it to Regionals, much less the Games. But you can make it here. Workout with your friends, family, and loved ones, and get fitter together. Cheer, sweat, bleed, and cry. It’s all allowed. Here at Verve, we will be holding Open workouts every week. The Open season culminates with the CrossFit Games later this year, but really, these are our Games. To make a team. To compete with a friend. To compare with last year. In all truth, it’s you against you. So what will you do? Why not come to a safe place, where you are made to feel good about yourself, and show yourself how hard you can push it? If you’ve never competed in the Open, why not try it this year? Here are some workouts from past years: 

2011: As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 Minutes of: 30 Double Unders, 15 Power Snatches. Think 30 double unders and 15 power snatches at a light weight doesn’t sound too bad? That’s the catch. The weight is light enough, and the reps low enough, to allow constant movement. No matter how tired you are, you can still perform one. More. Rep. Brutal on the lungs, and the forearms. 

2011:  As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 Minutes of: 60 Bar-facing burps, 30 Overhead Squats, 10 Muscle-Ups. Making it to the muscle-ups was a victory. Your shoulders held the challenge of supporting weight overhead after blasting them with 60 burpees.

2012: As Many Rounds As Possible in 7 Minutes of: Burpees. Need I say more. 

2012: As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes of: 150 Wall balls, 90 Double unders, 30 Muscle-ups. Your legs are fried, and then you have to pull it together to do 90 double-unders before progressing to 30 muscle-ups. 

2013: As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 Minutes of: 5 Shoulder-to-overhead, 10 deadlifts, 15 box jumps. By the end, you legs are lead. 

It’s worth noting that every Open year thus far has included a workout with thrusters and pull-ups. 

So what’ll it be? Why not give it a shot. You’ll have an army of athletes and coaches having your back! 

On a side note, we will be looking for judges to help with scoring. The more judges we have, the easier it is to run each event. To have a score submitted, it must be counted by someone who has taken and passed the Judge Test. You must be judgy. You must stand back and judge with a staunch look of sweet judgness. Kidding. Though I’d like to see what that looks like. Really, you just need to be firm and let your athlete know what you’re looking for before the workout begins. It’s a 10$ test that you can fail kagillion times. Any questions, ask a trainer for details. Also, if you hope to go to regionals as either an individual or part of a team, you must have your workout video’d, and submit that video for judging. 

━ Past WODs

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Wednesday 240103

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Sunday 230917

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Saturday 230916

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Friday 230915

Every 2:30 x 54 Front squats*Use the back squat weight from 090823For time:50 Wallballs 20#(14#)Row 250 meters20 Ab mat sit upsRow 250 meters35 Wallballs...
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