For time:
50 Box jumps 24" (20")
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings 16kg (12kg)
Walking lunges 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press 45#
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots 20# (14#)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
CrossFit Roots Oly Meet
So, we need your help. Yeah, you. CrossFit Roots, up in Boulder, has a summer Oly Meet coming up on the 13th of July. A few of our athletes are participating in this event. What we would like to do is have a practice meet in the weeks leading up to that event. Unfortunately, our weekends are booked with seminars on the last weekend of June, and the first weekend of July. So, we need to do this during the week, during one of our Open Gym periods in the afternoon. We need to know who would be interested, and what day(s) may work for you, so we can coordinate a time that would work for as many as possible. Why do we need this practice run?
It's important for you to know just how Roots will run their event; it's different from a USAW competition. It will also be a chance to for you to simulate everything you may want to do the day of, including your warm-up, the weigh-in, and being judged by three people sitting right in front of you. This practice will help you to build a plan. If you don't plan, you're planning to fail.
So, what say you? If you are interested, even if you're not competing but would like to take part in this practice event, email us Let's figure out everyone's availability and see when we can get this in. Thanks a bunch.