Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
10 Ring dips
20 Wall balls 20#(14#)
Post rounds to BTWB.

Did you know that June 5th was World Environment Day and food waste was the central theme? In developed countries 1.3 billion tons of perfectly edible food is wasted each year. Just one quarter of that wasted food could feed the hungry the world over. The USA is a big contributor as you probably figured, wasting, according to some sources, as much as 40% of our food annually. Food waste also contributes heavily to landfils. You want a dollar amount? How about $165 billion lost annually.
A few small changes can make a big difference. Click HERE for the full article and list. Here’s the ones I found most helpful and easiest to follow.
Shop Smart. Have a list and a plan for what you’re buying. Plan out meals in advance so when you go to the store you buy only what you know you’re going to need for the meals you are going to make.
Buy Exactly What You Need. Similar to the shop smart, but if your recipe calls for two carrots, don’t buy a whole bag.
Monitor What you Throw Away. For one week write down everything you throw away. This data will lead to better buying decisions.
Designate One Meal a Week as a Use It Up Meal. Check what you have in the fridge and cabinets and make a meal out of it. Whether it’s leftovers or if you overbought for another recipe, put it together for a meal.
Lots of additional tips can be found at the link above. Do you have any good tips? Respond to the comments section and share your ideas.