For weight:
Clean & Jerk
Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
Post weights to BTWB.

Hey Verve, a note from one of our members, Jeff Clegg, who is doing some great charity work as well as applying his fitness. Please read, forward, and help out.
As you may know I have been a volunteer for Chill Denver for a number of years and starting this year 2013 Chill Denver is one of the few new all year round Chill Programs. I have also joined as part of the Advisory Committee in order to help facilitate Development of Programs, Awareness of the Organization and Fundraising for the programs.
The Chill Foundation provides at-risk and underserved youth the opportunity to learn to snowboard, skateboard, paddle board, and other board sports completely FREE of charge as a vehicle to deliver life lessons in patience, persistence, responsibility, courage, respect, and pride. Since 2005 Chill Denver has been serving youth aged 10 to 18 from a variety of local youth agencies including low-income schools, residential treatment centers, group homes, and a children’s law center. Chill gives these youth the chance to see beyond the challenges of today and focus on positive alternatives for the future.
Please join me in supporting this great organization and my goal of finishing my first Half Marathon.
Please join me in anyway possible, whether you want to participate in the run, donate or just wish me luck!
More Info on The Chill Foundation https://www.facebook.com/
Check out this great article on CrossFit Verve athlete and coach Emmalee Moore here. We love her! CrossFit Verve’s team is growing with 108 athletes and counting! Sign up here and join the Verve team.