Tabata Mash Up:
Squat Cleans 95#(65#)
Alternate between the two exercises
Score is total reps
Post reps to BTWB.

One thing I really need to get better about is taking rest days. In fact last week was the first time in a few months that I actually did nothing for two straight days. I made it a priority to take two days off completely. I made sure not to touch a weight which is extremely difficult when you are in the gym for 8 hours a day and see everyone working out. I’m making it a point to schedule my rest days in advance. This way I’ll have the recovery scheduled regardless of whether or not I feel like I need to take a day off. I’m going to use the traditional 3 on 1 off especially with the Open starting up in the next month.
With regard to recovery I am really good about taking a post workout recovery drink that has a high concentration of branch chain amino acids. BCAA’s have been proven to minimize soreness.
You also need to make sure and clear cortisol while still supporting the testosterone response. To help clear cortisol avoid caffeine after a workout and try taking Vitamin C. A recent study tested how cortisol and testosterone levels correlated to recovery in athletes after an intense muscle damaging workout. 48 hours after the workout cortisol levels had been cleared while free testosterone was lower than before the workout. To support free testosterone be sure to get enough of the following basic nutrients; vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc. All help to support free testosterone.
Taking care of yourself after an intense workout and scheduling rest days or active recovery days are all important with regard to making sure your training days are as successful as they can be.
The information in this blog is referenced from Charles Poliquin’s blog. Be sure to check it out here.
Reminder that there will be a Nutrition Coaching Program meeting on Wednesday at 7pm. The meeting is free for all participants in the Nutrition Kick Off. All are encouraged to attend to get new recipes support and to learn about the effects of sugar.