Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
15 Deadlifts 155#(105#)
15 Deficit push-ups, hands on 25 pound plates
15 Box jumps, 24″(20″)
Post rounds to BTWB

From the desk of James P. Whitmire, Esq
On Saturday, January 26th, the Mile High Sprints will be held at Crossfit South Denver. The Mile High Sprints are the official qualifier for the CRASH-Bs, held annually in Boston. What are the CRASH-Bs, you might ask? Only the most exciting indoor rowing event in the world! That’s right! Hundreds of sweaty people in one big room sitting on mechanical devices and spinning flywheels! What could be more entertaining than watching this?
Well, let me answer that question clearly – participating in it! The Mile High Sprints offer competitive races for men and women in many different age brackets and distances ranging from 500 meters to a full marathon. As you can tell by the fact that it’s held at a Crossfit gym, indoor rowing competitions have become very popular with Crossfit competitors. Which brings us to the next weekend. . . .
On February 1st and 2nd, the Denver Indoor Rowing Championships will be held at the Colorado Athletic Club on Monaco. While these races do not offer the possibility of an all-expense paid trip to the CRASH-Bs like the Mile High Sprints, they do offer a similar range of races for all ages. You are all encouraged to sign up and compete.
However, that’s not the point of this post. The point is that the DIRC has a team competition.
And while it’s all fun to compete as a team and experience that camaraderie, the winning team here gets a brand spanking new Concept II ergometer.
Two men and two women will enter.
Two men and two women will row 1000 meters.
The speed of all four rowers will be averaged to move the boat.
That means we need to assemble the strongest team Verve can put together to win that thing and bring that erg home to Verve.
Starting today and continuing through January 23rd, we encourage those of you with interest in rowing on Team Verve on Feb 1 and 2nd to come in and row 1000 meters for time. It’s only 3-5 minutes of your life. Report your time to Joylyn or Danni. Verve will be sponsoring two teams for the competition. Let’s win this thing.
*Just a heads up, the Lost and Found is going to be cleared out and donated to good will at the end of the week. Make sure you go through it in the next couple of days.