Century Theaters Memorial WOD
Seven rounds for time:
12 Thrusters, 75# (55#)
9 Toes-to-bar
200m run, 20# medicine ball
Post time and inspiration to comments and BTWB.
Today CrossFit Verve is open to the community for a Memorial workout to benefit the victims of the Century Theaters shooting in Aurora on July 20, 2012. Remember there are countless other victims suffering from this event, but the twelve pictured above paid the ultimate price. As their families grieve the fact they will not get the chance to breathe another day, please remember them today when you are suffering and be thankful for the opportunity to use your body and keep pushing forward.
Heats will run every 30 minutes. 1st heat will begin at 1030am and last heat starts at 1pm. We will accomodate 30 people/heat. You may sign in for a heat at the table when you arrive. Please bring your receipt for your minimum $12 donation to either GivingFirst or the Jessica Redfield Fund.
We will also have structured warm-ups running every 20 minutes. All abilities are welcome and will be scaled as needed. Progenex, VitaCoco, and the Caveman Cafeteria will also be on hand. Please join us and support our community.