For total load:
Front squat 1 – 10 – 1 - 20 – 1 – 30 reps
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It's just not good enough…
Good enough for who? For what? As trainers, we see this everyday. Especially on days like today or Tuesday. You come into the gym with all these expectations: "I will PR on my front squat today, I will PR on Fran, clean & jerk, today muscle-ups will be easier then they were yesterday, or today I'll get my first."
Don't get me wrong this is a healthy attitude to continue to challenge yourself and come in with a positive attitude. However, sometimes what starts as healthy can turn into frustration or disappointment. Let's face it, we won't PR every time we perform a lift and muscle -ups will not magically get easier (not without a lot of time and work). I know this better then anyone, with my CrossFit career going on four years, I've seen hugh gains and hugh set-backs. There are a few valuable things I've learned during this process.
#1 I am strong, and that's by my own measure! I can't beat myself up about not clean & jerking 165# yet, cuz dammit I can clean & jerk 150#. By nature, that make me a success, not a failure. I am strong and will keep getting stronger.
#2 Beating myself up over workouts or movements gets old. I've learned that a negative attitude produces negative results. Though we all struggle with this from time to time, it is not a place to live. It makes you no fun to be around and unhappy and it does not make you lift heavier.
#3 Measure myself against myself, for that is what I can control. Because of our competitive nature this is a tough one, but don't expect to be better then X, expect to be better then yourself. And when you have those days or even a few months where you're not, give yourself a break! By any measure you are strong and fit and capable and healthy and will continue to be.