As far as possible in 5:00 of
Row 20 calories
20 Toes to bar
20 Kettlebell swings
Row 20 calories
20 Push ups
20 Dumbbell hang power cleans
Row 20 calories
20 Dumbbell shoulder to overhead
20 Air squats
Row 20 calories
20 Walking lunges
20 Box jumps 24″(20″)
Rest 3:00, then:
As far as possible in 7:00 starting from the bottom and working to the top
Rest 3:00, then
As far as possible in 12:00 in any order you’d like.
Example, you could stay on the rower for all 80 calories if you wanted
With A Partner, For Time:
2,000m Row
50 MedBall Cleans
2,000m Row
100 WallBalls
2,000m Row
50 Devils Press