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Thursday 230706


5 sets of 10 – 15 Bench press
*Use a slightly heavier weight than the workout on 062823
*Rest around 1:30 – 2:00 between each set

As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of

5 Kipping pull ups*
10 Deadlifts 135#(95#)
50 Double unders

*No butterfly pull ups today.

Wednesday 230705


2 x 5:00 on the rower or bike

*The pace on these 5:00 pieces should be at a conversation pace.

5 Rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
15 Front Squats 95#(65#)

Tuesday 230704



As many rounds as possible in 23:00 of

7 Toes to bar
4 Power cleans 185#(125#)
23 Calories on the rower, bike, or ski erg

Alternate the machines for calories each round.

Rd 1 = rower
Rd 2 = bike
Rd 3 = ski erg

Monday 230703


3 Rounds for time:

20 Push press, 75#(55#)
5 Burpee box jump overs, 24″(20″)

Rest 3 minutes after round 3 then,

3 Rounds for time:

15 Push press, 115#(75#)
5 Burpee box jump overs, 24″(20″)

Rest 3 minutes after round 3 then,

3 Rounds for time:

10 Push press, 135#(95#)
5 Burpee box jump overs, 24″(20″)

*Score = total time including rest

Compare to 11/29/22

Sunday 230702


Dumbbell bench press or floor press (Pick you #)
Strict ring dips
*After each set:
Row 1:00 for max calories

**Score = total calories “

Saturday 230701


With a partner for time

40 Front Squats 95#(65#)
20 Bar facing burpees


2 Rounds of
42 Pull ups
30 Thrusters 95#(65#)
18 Calories on bike or ski erg


40 Front Squats 95#(65#)
20 Bar facing burpees

Break up however you want
1 person works, 1 person rests

Friday 230630


For time
Row 1000 meters
50 Eye level kettlebell Swings 53#(35#)
40 Ab mat sit ups
30 Walking lunges
20 Supine ring rows
10 Ring dips
Run 800 meters
10 Ring dips
20 Supine ring rows
30 Walking lunges
40 Ab mat sit ups
50 Eye level kettlebell Swings 53#(35#)
Row 1000 meters

30:00 Time cap

Thursday 230629


2 Rounds for quality of
12 GHD sit ups
10 – 20 Reverse hypers or
5 Hip extenstions
5 Back extensions

5 Rounds for quality of:
Hang power clean x 3 reps
Front rack hold :08
Hang power clean x 3
RDL with PVC pipe up to the minute

Suggested weights 95#(65#)

Clean and Jerk 1 rep max retest

Take 20:00 – 25:00 to build to a 1 rep max clean and jerk

Compare to 4/13/23

Wednesday 230628


6 Rounds for max reps of
Bench Press @ around 80% of bodyweight
Odd rounds = Strict pull ups
Even rounds = Toes to bar

Rest around 2:00 – 3:00 between rounds

Score = lowest round of bench press, pull ups, toes to bar
3 scores on the board

Tuesday 230627


With an 8:00 clock
Run 800 meters

With the remaining time:
As many shoulder to overhead as possible 115#(75#)

Rest 2:00

With a 7:00 clock
Run 600 meters

With the remaining time:
As many shoulder to overhead as possible 135#(95#)

Rest 2:00

With a 6:00 clock
Run 400 meters

With the remaining time:
As many shoulder to overhead as possible 155#(105#)

*Bars can come from the ground or the rack.
*Score = total reps each round