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Tuesday 091222


Four rounds:

1:30 Row (for calories)

1:30 Sit-ups

Add calories and reps together for all five rounds for your total.  Rest as needed between efforts.

Post total to comments.

Craig from our December foundations with a great looking thruster.

It should be drilled into your head by now that CrossFit is all about constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity.  It should also be pretty clear that by constantly varied, we are referring to different movements, different durations, and focusing on different metabolic phases.  For instance, yesterday we completed a workout for a max load of three repetitions – a movement we haven't been done since the 5th of December.  The workout was set to focus mainly in the phosphocreatine metabolic phase, which lasts arpund 15 seconds.  Today, on the hand will be a shorter duration glycolytic phase, incorporating two movements, with a set duration.

Your body is being stressed to the max by training in this "keep you guessing" method.  One portion of training at CrossFit Verve that is often overlooked by our athletes – not training (a.k.a. rest days).  We want you to be able to give your all during every workout.  If you're on day six and you're dragging ass during your workout – you aren't reaching your full potential and you are probably doing more harm than good.  This doesn't mean pick and choose which workouts you want to come in for (you know who you are, skipping certain days!).  We ask that you try to follow a consistent cycle if possible – ideally 3-on, 1-off or 5-on, 2-off

Our next Foundations starts January 4th, we have two classes offered for January one at 9am and one at 7:30pm.  They both met Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays, last class of the month is January 29th

Monday 091221


For max load:

Overhead squat 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3

Build up the overhead squats to at least 80% of your 1RM.  Count your rounds once you reach 80% or higher.  Stabilize the midline!

Post loads to comments.

Mas during clean and jerk extravaganza

Achilles Heel

We all have a movement or two that burn like a hot coal when they come out of the hopper.  For many it's the overhead squat.  This phenomenal movement develops the squat like no other, as it punishes under-developed squats at the same time.  Let's take a moment to break down some common faults that cause a poor overhead squat.

First and foremost, an overhead squat is doomed from the start if your squat set-up is faulty.  Be sure that your heels are under your shoulders with your toes pointed slightly outward.  As with any squat, shift your body weight towards your heels and away from the forefoot.  With your knees and hips extended and locked out, stabilize the midline by pressurizing the abdomen and firing your back extensors.

The same holds true for your overhead position – a bad set-up guarantees you won't reach your potential today.  Let's review our 3 step set-up for a great overhead position: 1. shoulder blades pinched together, 2. shoulders elevated into your ears (like, waaaay up), and 3. rotate your elbows towards the wall in front of you. 

During the execution, there are a couple of faults to be aware of.  First, don't get lazy and lose your overhead position.  All 3 elements of the set-up for your overhead position must be maintained for the duration of the movement (all 3 reps).  Second, make sure that you don't allow the bar to leave the frontal plane.  In order to drive out of the bottom of your squat, the barbell must be directly over your area of base (directly over your heels and shoulder blades).  Lastly, be diligent to execute your squat as you would with no load – weight in the heels, hips and knees back, chest upright, and eyes straight ahead.

Follow these tips and turn a weakness into a strength.  Don't allow yourself to accept having an achilles heel.  Go forth and lift heavy (or work on your form w/ light weight).

Sunday 091220


As many rounds as possible  in 12 minutes of:

6 Burpees
6 Knees-to-elbows

Post rounds and fractions to comments.
"Tabata Something Else". Taq, Caylan, Donna, Jen and Mas.

Saturday 091219


"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.


Steve Deckrow getting triple extension



Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:

10 Cleans, 40% of 1 RM
50 Double unders
Post time to comments.
Taq getting vertical before dropping under.
Hoodies are in! 
Verve hoodies are in.  We ask that if you would like one, please purchase online with Mindbody hereWe will bring it to the gym with your name on it.  We will have one of each size in the back to try on, if you would like to do that prior to purchasing. FYI, women's are running smaller than expected.
Our infamous nutrition lecture is this Saturday at 12:30pm.  Come one, come all.  If you haven't been to one yet, what are you waiting for?

Thursday 091217


Five rounds for time of:

400m Run
5 Snatches, 75% of 1RM
15 Push-ups
Post time to comments.
Congratulations to James on his first rx'd WOD with handstand push-ups. 
Thanks Catherine for this video on "Sugar: The honest truth".  Take the time to watch this, it is well worth the hour and a half it takes.


Wednesday 091216


As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

10 Thrusters, 65#/45#
10 Pull-ups
Post rounds and fractions to comments.
Play time is skill development time without the risk of failure.

Keeping Your Head in the Game

Longer duration WOD's require a level of commitment that short duration WOD's do not.  Sure there's the physical aspect of muscular fatigue and endurance, but what about what's going on in your dome?  At minute 12 of "Cindy", everyone begins to question themselves and their training.  "Can I do this?  I've still got 8 minutes left.  Can I keep up this pace?  I wonder if the trainers will notice if I leave?"  We've all been there. 

But what do you do to keep your head in the game?  Post thoughts to comments. 

Tuesday 091215


Bench press 4 x 3 reps, 80% 1RM

Followed by;

Row 2k for time

Post time to comments.


Jamey and Heather get inverted during a battle with "Diane."

A 2k row eh?  Anyone who's rowed one knows that this WOD should not be underestimated.  A few things should be noted prior to tackling this beast.  First, this isn't a 500m, it's a 2k, so treat it as such by pacing yourself.  Think back to your last 500m effort – how did you feel afterwards?  What was your time?  Let's say you rowed a 1:30.00 500m and that left you laid out on the gym floor with your feet still in the heel stretchers.  Obviously a 1:30.00 split pace for your 2k would be a bad idea.  So what's an honorable split that can be maintained for the duration of the row?  You do the math and stick to your plan when you're in the thick of it.

Next, let's review our rowing progression to ensure efficient technique: 

The catch: begin by aligning your knees with your ankles, making your shins vertical.  You'll have straight arms at this point, with your back set in extension and torso leaning slightly forward.  This will be the beginning and end of every stroke.

Legs, back, hands: An efficient rowing stroke will begin from the catch with a strong leg drive.  When you apply force against the heel stretchers, you are going to strongly extend the knees, while keeping your torso and hips in the same position.  Next, begin opening the hip and bringing your torso 10 to 15 degrees back.  At this point your arms are still straight.  Lastly, reach the finish by pulling the handle to your abdomen with your hands.

The return: Once the handle is pulled into your belly, we're going to begin the journey back to the catch.  With the handle pulled snugly to the abdomen, we are going to allow the chain to quickly retract by fully extending the arms ("swing") and bringing the torso to the forward position with your knees still extended.  Lastly, you can rebend the knees and return to the catch ("in"). 

Putting the whole she-bang together, we should have something that looks like this: legs, back, hands, swing, and in.  All of the power comes from the legs, back, hands portion of the pull, so don't waste your energy speeding through the return.  Allow yourself a split second of recovery during the return and give the pull all your might

Monday 091214



Deadlifts, 225# (185#)
Hand-stand push-ups
If prescribed deadlift weight isn't possible at this time, choose 40-45% of 1RM.
Post time to comments.
While we try to be family friendly, we couldn't resist this handstand from Emmalee at the Holly Madison Peepshow in Las Vegas.
Food as a drug

This is common sense, so there's no reason to beat around the bush: food is a drug.  Food can lower or raise your blood pressure, eliminate or add excess body fat, raise or lower cholesterol (good and bad), and increase or decrease triglyceride counts.  It can be the cause of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, and many other potentially lethal conditions.

So with this notion of food acting as a drug in mind, wouldn't it be appropriate to take the correct dosage?  Weighing and measuring food gets a bad rap.  Instead of cooking your food and serving it onto a plate, we ask that you add one simple step: cook your food, move it to the scale, and then serve it on a plate.  Whoa… that's it?  Yup – that's it! 
We are hosting a nutrition workshop this Saturday December 19th at 12:30pm.  Nutrition is a huge part of becoming fit and healthy, without paying attention to what's going in, you will not reap the full benefits of the CrossFit program, period.  So come join us while we talk about; the Paleolithic diet, the Zone Diet, insulin resistance, auto immune disease, syndrome X, meal planning, how to eat out, optimizing your performance and health, and much much more.
The nutrition workshop is free to CrossFit Verve members.  Come one come all, because the more the merrier.  If it's been a while since you've done a nutrition, feel free to come again, we've added and improved.

Sunday 091213


"Nasty Girls"

Three rounds for time

50 Squats

7 Muscle-ups

10 Hang power cleans 135# (85#)

If you are unable to complete muscle-ups, sub three pull-ups and three dips for each muscle-up.

Compare to April 7th 2009.

Post time to comments.

030 031 

Partner handstands; Sara and Cherie, Joylyn and Melissa