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Monday 100111


Three rounds for time of:
500m row
21 Burpees
400m run

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Dan and Joylyn are super excited that the new rowers are in .

Of course you know that exercise is shown to prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.  What you may not know is that there is mounting evidence that regular exercise also improves symptoms of anxiety and depression.  Research suggests that 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 days a week will ease symptoms of depression. 

Although the actual connection between exercise and improved mental health conditions is not known, evidence points towards neurotransmitters that affect mood found deep in your cranium.  Some researchers believe that the answer may lie in better sleep or decreased cortisol levels.  I prefer the idea that it's endorphins and other "feel good" hormones that have an uplifting effect on the body and mind similar to anti-depressant medications (which are far more expensive than exercise). 

Exercise provides those with mental health conditions with a very positive coping mechanism.  It's just the distraction that many of us need after a long day and it affords the opportunity to interact with others on a different level that what you're used to.  Come in, work out, sleep well, and feel good.  See ya soon.

Sunday 100110


Five rounds for time:

50 Double-unders

25 Wallballs, 20# (14#)

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Stef gets creative with learning to keep her back flat.

Don't forget today at 1:30pm nutrition lecture at the Verve.

Saturday 100109



For time:

Run 800m

20 Man-eaters, 40#/25#

Run 400m

20 Man-eaters, 40#/25#

Run 800m

A single man-maker is comprised of a dumbell push-up, renegade row (each arm once), dumbell squat clean to a thruster.  Rinse and repeat.  A woman-maker is comprised of exactly the same thing.

Compare to: September 2, 2009

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Nutrition lecture at South Metro Fire – firefighters gettin' in the PaleoZone!

We are hosting a nutrition workshop this Sunday the 10th at 1:30pm.  Nutrition is a huge part of becoming fit and healthy, without paying attention to what's going in, you will not reap the full benefits of the CrossFit program, period.  So come join us while we talk about; the Paleolithic diet, the zone diet, insulin resistance, auto immune disease, syndrome X, meal planning, how to eat out, optimizing your performance and health, and much much more. 

The nutrition workshop is free all.  come one come all, because the more the merrier.  If it's been a while since you've done a nutrition, feel free to come again, we've added and improved.

Want to get started before Sunday?  Log your food for three days prior to the workshop, eat lean meats, nuts and seeds, vegetables, some fruit, little starch, no sugar, and experiment with how that makes you feel.  See you Sunday

Friday 100108


50 – 30 – 10 reps for time of:

Jumping pull-ups

Thrusters, 45#/33#

Jumping lunges

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Casey – more flexible and more powerful… and snatchin' heavy. 


Hopefully you're somewhat familiar with this medical condition.  Dr. Michael Ray of CrossFit Flagstaff, AZ states "Rhabdomyolysis is a medical condition that may arise when muscle tissue breaks down and muscle cells are released into the bloodstream."  The destruction of these cells cause a release of breakdown products, one of which is myoglobin – a  protein molecule that is harmful to the kidneys and can cause acute renal failure and even death.

There are two key points that we'd like for you to understand: what causes rhabdo and what the symptoms of rhabdo are.  First, if you understand the causes of this condition, you can avoid having it. Rhabdo is physically caused by crushing injuries, obstruction of blood supply to muscles, electrical injuries, and yes… exercise.  Typically, cases of rhabdo that are related to exercise are attributed to infrequent exposure to high intensity output coupled with poor hydration.  In other words, an athlete coming from a globo-gym with a moderate level of fitness that has their first exposure to CrossFit. 

So how do you recognize rhabdo?  There are a couple of tell-tale symptoms to be aware of when self-diagnosing possible rhabdomyolysis.  Dr. Michael Ray describes symptoms as "generalized muscle pain, nausea and vomitting, abdominal cramping, and in significant cases, dark red Coca Cola urine."  That last bit is an instant ticket to the ER – don't mess around – GO!  Though, we've all felt many of these symptoms and toughed it out, the extreme cases are the one's that result in renal failure and can be fatal.

Read more in the recent CFJ article: "The Truth About Rhabdo" by Dr. Michael Ray

Thursday 100107


"Olympic Total"

Snatch 1 – 1 – 1 reps

Clean & jerk 1 – 1 – 1 reps

Warm up to an opening weight that you're comfortable making (80%+) and then let'r rip. 

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Buddy Zac!  Missing you already homie.

We first met Zac at CrossFit Santa Cruz Central just before the 2008 CrossFit Games.  We did a little workout just to keep the blood moving, but more importantly to meet some new people.  Zac not only welcomed us into the gym, put us through a workout, and strategized about the upcoming competition, but he also reminded us why we love CrossFit – because it allows us to meet extraordinary people that we have so much in common with.

Zac is leaving tomorrow for Palo Alto to take a position with Stanford University working in the strength and conditioning field for the football team.  Although he says it may not work out and he might be back in two weeks – we know better.  Zac is too good of a coach, too much fun, and has waaay too much personality to not do well at Stanford.  I know I speak for everyone at CrossFit Verve when I say we'll miss you Zac!  You are welcome back anytime you'd like – even in two weeks.  Best of luck!

Wednesday 100106


Each Round for time:

21 Back squat, bodyweight
21 Push-up


15 Front squats, bodyweight
15 Ring dip


9 Overhead squats, bodyweight
9 Handstand push-up

Post time for each round to comments.

Dan demonstrating solid push-up technique

Thanks to MBS CrossFit for this post on mechanics vs. technique.

Stupid ROM and technique. I’d be a whole lot faster without it!
In CrossFit we progress in this order: Mechanics, Consistency, and then Intensity.
By following this progression you will fully benefit from what CrossFit has to offer!

Mechanics refers to your understanding of the movement and the technique – please understand, these are two different things!

For simplicity sake, let’s take the good ole’ air squat. Understanding the air squat means that you know that we begin in an upright position with hip and knees open. You then sit your butt back then down to reach a below parallel position (hip crease lower than your knee) in the bottom. Lastly, you drive through your heels and stand again with hips and knees open. Tada, you did an air squat. Essentially, understanding the movement means that you understand the required range of motion (ROM). Now, on to the technique of an air squat.

Proper technique of the air squat is that we thrust our hips and knees back to achieve full depth. Our heels remain in contact with the ground. We maintain lumbar curve, our chest is inflated and our knees track over our toes. Once you demonstrate the action of the squat in this way time and again, you have mastered the technique of the air squat.

When someone says that you have good technique, they are referring to the manner in which you move yourself and external objects in the most efficient, effective and safe manner possible. Efficient, effective, and safe.

To make my point, just because you are doing the action of the squat (down and up), it doesn’t mean that you have good mechanics. Good mechanics of the air squat means that you do the action of all the way down and all the way up AND do it in an efficient, effective, and safe manner (technique). Good mechanics are both full ROM and good technique.

Mechanics is where you will make your money. Developing proper movement mechanics will not only keep you free from injury, but it will help you move faster, more efficiently, and more freely through a workout because you know the coach isn’t going to yell “doesn’t count!”  every other rep. Mastering the mechanics of our core movements will ensure that you benefit in each and every workout. Keep this in mind as you conquer this benchmark workout today!

Tuesday 100105


Three rounds, 21 – 15 – 9 for time: 

Push press, 135# / 95#


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Jaime jumping her wallball so high you can't even see it.

Have you checked out the fuel page lately?  Well, Joylyn has been busy and we hope about to get a lot busier.  See she's been updating our fuel page with new recipes, like the one below.  We'd love to get a new recipe posted each week. To make this happen, we need your help, so get busy creative people and send us your zone/paleo recipes, with photo, so all can share in the goodness.  Here's to Joylyn's newest discovery!

Moroccan Stewed Chicken

Stewed chicken


15 oz boneless, skinless chicken thighs (15P)
6 c zucchini, cubed (3C)
3 c okra, sliced (3C)
1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes (1.75C)
1 c water
1 tsp olive oil (3F)
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Chopped fresh cilantro for garnish

Heat oil in large saute pan over medium-high heat.

Season chicken with some black pepper and cook in pan until browned, approximately 2-3 minutes per side.  Add zucchini and continue cooking, stirring often.

When zucchini pieces have browned lightly, add okra, tomatoes, water, cayenne, cumin, and cinnamon.  Turn heat to low and simmer until chicken is tender and cooked through, 10 to 15 minutes. Garnish with chopped cilantro.

This makes 5 meals at 3P, 1.33C, and <1F.

A great side to help complete this meal is steamed chopped cauliflower, with parsley and pine nuts (makes it just like our old favorite couscous). 

2 cups of cauliflower = 1C block.  Pine nuts 1 T = 4F.

Feel like this recipe reads like greek?  Come to our nutrition lecture on Sunday, January 10th at 1:30pm. 

Monday 100104


For time:

Run 400m

40 Medicine ball clean & wall ball, 20#/14#

Run 200m

40 Medicine ball clean & wall ball, 20#/14#

Run 400m

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Donna, an avid 6am'er, enjoying a travel WOD in Maui

If you read "World Class Fitness in 100 Words"by Greg Glassman, you'll notice the last sentence reads: "Regularly play and learn new sports."  We really like this sentence.  Not only does it offer an opportunity to exploit your elite level of fitness that you've attained through CrossFitting, but it's also an opportunity to go have some fun

Have you ever been afraid to try a new sport because you thought you lacked the fitness or strength it takes?  Maybe you were afraid you didn't have the balance or coordination to be any good at the sport.  Well folks, there's no time like the present to test out your fitness!  Try a sport that you've always wanted to try or one that you have tried and found to be too challenging.  Go out and have fun – it relieves stress and builds confidence.

Speaking of relieving stress, Zac and Heather are having a going away partyfor Zac at their house on Wednesday night.  Bring a glass to decorate, a snack to share, and a chair (their furniture is packed away).  Their address will be on the whiteboard or you can call us for his address. 

Sunday 090103



On the minute for 30 minutes perform:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Squats

Continue as long as you can finish the assigned reptitions within 1 minute.  You may continue in AMRAP fashion after you miss a round.

Post only complete rounds to comments.

Do you believe in angels?

What's wrong with this picture?  Post thoughts to comments.

Saturday 100102


10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

Kettlebell swings 24Kg (16Kg)

Burpee hurdles 24" (20")

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Jared looking sharp for 2010.

Assistance band woes. A common question we get from beginning CrossFitters is about what is better, jumping pullups or assistance band pullups? The answer is both.

The jumping pullup, set to the appropriate height, will allow the athlete to go through the full range of motion of the pullup by use of assistance from his or her own legs. In addition, the athlete can develop the pushing and pulling action from the bar, which will help to comprehend the kip. The benefit of the jumping pullup is that the work of getting chin over or chest to the bar is still being done by the athlete with the assistance of his or her legs rather than upper body only.

The band assisted pullup allows the athlete to hang freely from the bar, demonstrate full ROM of the pullup, and develop the kip. The athlete can use different sized bands to match their skill level and progress through the bands until they are ready to go unassisted. The drawback of the assistance bands is that they reduce the amount of work being done by the athlete.

The important thing to understand in developing your pullup is that it is going to take time and work. Just like everything else we teach in the gym, there is some skill in the task of getting your chin over the bar. And, just like everything else we do in the gym, your success is matched by your time under the bar and sweat on the floor.

Thanks to Patrick Burke at MBS CrossFit for such a great post.