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Thursday 100121



Clean & jerk, 15-12- and 9 reps

Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

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Pull-over criss-cross with the gang. 

Fight Against The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The second law of thermodynamics concerns the transformation of potential energy into heat, or random molecular motion.  It states that the disorder (also known as entropy) in the universe is continuously increasing.  In other words, disorder is more likely then order.  For example it is much more likely that your bedroom will become messy overtime, then that it will spontaneously clean itself up, or that a mountain will crumble instead of build itself higher, order turns to disorder spontaneously, but not vis versa.

Entropy is the measure of the disorder of a system.  When the universe formed, it held all the potential energy it will ever have, it has become progressively more disordered ever since. ("energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only undergo conversion"). 

So let's apply this to our biological lives, disorder of our systems is inevitable, as we age entropy begins to take over.  I say fight entropy!  Fight the urge to allow disorder in your life.  Entropy is our biological ticking clocks.  How many people do you know that have become lazier as they get older (I have), less inclined to get off the coach and on the trail, slopes or gym?  This is the natural order, fight entropy!  Fight the urge to allow disorder, don't roll over instead create routines, get stronger and defy your natural tendency.  Be a biological rebel!

Wednesday 100120


Five rounds for time:

Dumbell squat snatches, 10 each hand 40#/25#

Ring push-ups, 20 reps

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Patrick Burke, guest coach tonight at Verve, placed 8th in the 2009 CF Games.  

It's coach swapping night.  Today the coaches of MBS CrossFit, CrossFit Roots and your very own CrossFit Verve will be swapping coaches.


Swapping map courtesy of Nicole at CF Roots.

Come in tonight for the 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30pm classes and get coached by Patrick Burke of MBS CrossFitMatt will be headed to Roots and Nicole is headed to MBS.  It's bound to be an evening of unexpected fun and exceptional training.

What is that stuff called CrossFit?   

How many times have you heard that question?  I've been a CrossFit athlete for about three years now and there are two things that never pop into my head when this question is asked.  First, "constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity" and the second "Increased work capacity over broad time and modal domains".  Though I can recite these like scripture, and believe in their worth to fitness, they are not the first thoughts in my head.

The first thing I do think about is how CrossFit has changed my life.  How do you explain that to a stranger?  They always ask me, were you overweight?  No.  Were you out of shape? No.  I didn't start CrossFit with all these lofty goals to lose weight and get in shape, so how could CrossFit a strength and conditioning program, change my life so drastically that I cannot imagine my life without it? 
CrossFit does change people’s lives, those that are open to it?  It exposes you to things that you are not good at.  You will look silly and you will not always be the best.  It doesn't matter who you are, you will be challenged by aspects of this program.  At first, this is a big hit to the ego and you desire to be better so that you can be the best.  Soon you find that the best gets you nothing but an impressive "Grace" time or bragging rights and then the real changing begins?  So why does CrossFit change peoples lives, all CrossFitters not just the fire breathing kind?

CrossFit changes people’s lives through constant challenge and exposure.  When you are at your worst CrossFit will not let up, it will not release you to stand and watch.  It is tough love, it throws you back in the fire and says you will endure, you will finish, and you will be the person you know that you can be.  How can a workout do all that?  I don't have the answer there; it is a mystery how 21-15-9 thrusters and pull-ups can change how badly you want to become that person inside.

I believe that we all have an image of ourselves, who we keep striving to be, CrossFit exposes this person and challenges you to be just that and no less.  It's not easy to face yourself everyday, and just when you think you have been defeated, your community arises around you to rally.  Friendships are developed, you become closer to your CrossFit comrades then you ever thought possible, they endure along side you and remind you that you are a part of something bigger then yourself and your life begins to change.  Now tell me, how do you explain that to a stranger?

Tuesday 100119


For time:

Row 1000m
50 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
50 Sit-ups

Row 750m
40 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
40 Sit-ups

Row 500m
30 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
30 Sit-ups

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Rick working the progression of the muscle-up.

"Mechanism of Action!"

Hormones are essentially chemical messengers at work in our bodies.  The endocrine hormones regulate many of the things that happen in our bodies.  For example, our mood, growth and development, tissue function, and metabolism are all controlled by signals from our endocrine system.  One hormone in particular, glucagon, is released by the pancreas in response to ingestion of proteins. This hormone is responsible for preventing blood sugar levels from falling to dangerously low levels.  It does so by causing the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose (blood sugar) and releases it into the bloodstream – diverting disaster.

For this reason, you can think of glucagon as the mechanism of action – it takes stored energy and uses it.  What's interesting about this is that glucagon performs the exact opposite function of insulin.  Insulin causes cells in the liver, muscle, and adipose tissue to suck up glucose from the blood and store it for use by the muscles, thereby halting the use of fat as an energy source.  Got it?  Glycogen mobilizes, insulin stores.

Let's take a moment to think about that last sentence and how it relates to USDA food pyramid that was released in 1992.


Glucagon (mobilizing) is released in response to protein ingestion… and insulin (storing) is released in response to carbohydrate ingestion.  How many servings of the above pyramid are made up of carbs and how many are made up of proteins?  That looks like a whole lot of storage and not a whole lot of mobilizing.  Yikes!

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Monday 100118


10 – 9 - 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

Front squats, 135# (95#)

Handstand push-ups

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Congratulations to Tom on his first muscle-up. 

Congratulations go out to Amanda Kennedy and Mas Godinez who completed their level 1 CrossFit Certification this weekend in Golden, CO.  You guys did amazing and we were proud to call you both our athletes.

More love goes out to Emmalee Moore who completed her CrossFit Gymnastics certification this weekend.  We didn't witness how wonderful it was, but we can take a good guess that she shined.

The fuel page is becoming a library of Paleo/Zone meals, here is the latest…

Cherie's I'm so lazy I can't be bothered to cook, Turkey Chili

2.5 lbs lean ground turkey meat

78 black olives, sliced or diced

5.5 cups of salsa (I buy the 4 pounder of Pace at Costco)

1 onion, diced

Chili powder and pepper to taste


Cook the ground turkey and onions in a pan until brown.  Drain the "juices."  Add the salsa and olives.  Let cook on medium for 5 minutes or until hot.  Add chili powder and pepper to taste, I sprinkle it on the top, stir and sprinkle again.  Seriously, it takes all of 15 minutes, it's awesomeness. 

Makes 26 blocks Protein, 13 blocks Carbs, and 26 blocks Fat.  Put in the fridge and have ready for those meals you need in a snap. 

1 cup = 2P, 1C, 2F. 

For a 3 block meal, have 1.5 cups chili and add 1.5C (maybe some delicious fruit berries).  For a 4 block meal, have 2 cups chili and add 2C.  This is great over broccoli.  We go crazy on the steamer bag veggies at King Soopers when they go on sale.  Microwave a bag and toss the chili on, YUM YUM!


Sunday 100117


3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3


Make sure that your first set of three, starts at 70-75% of your 1RM.

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Oregan State University links their rowers to power their light bulbs, hey Verve what do you think? 

Saturday 100116


As many rounds as possible in 9, 6, and 3 minutes of:

2 Thrusters, 175#(120#)

4 Snatch Grip Dead-lifts, 176#(120#)

8 Wall Balls, 20#(14#)

Use one bar for both thrusters and dead-lifts. You may use a mixed grip for the dead-lifts but the grip must be outside the rings of the barbell. All wall ball attempts must touch a spot on the wall above the 10 foot red line for it to count.

This workout is split into three different time intervals, 9 minutes, 6 minutes, and 3 minutes. Each interval is split by 2 minutes of rest.

Thanks to CrossFit Omaha for this WOD.

Post total rounds COMPLETED over all three rounds.

Luke experiencing the fun/suck cycle of CrossFit.


Ben Freedman's fun/suck cycle theory of CrossFit.

Friday 100115


Three rounds for time:

12 Muscle-ups

75 Squats

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Monique achieving triple extension before bending her elbows (AKA "Frankenstein").

The Right Tools For the Job
By: Mas Godinez

We all know how hard it is to stick with the new way to eat now that we have seen the light. It takes dedication, courage, and conviction.  In the year that we have changed our eating habits, we have found some tools in the kitchen that have helped keep our SANITY.  Some of these tools we had before we started paleo/zone, and some we found that keep our time in the kitchen to a minimum, here's a sampling: 

Blender: for those morning smoothies
Crock pot: for those yummy one-pot meals
Food scale: makes portioning those blocks simple
Food processor: prep work done in seconds!!!
Coffee maker: need we say more? 
Cast iron skillet or Dutch oven (get your mind out of the gutter!): can go from stovetop to oven in one foul swoop!!!
Food saver: what’s life without leftovers???
Containers: probably the easiest way to keep up the good work is to make a lot of a meal and eat it over a week’s time.  Various sized containers can help keep you on track.  
Pressure cooker: steamed veggies in 3 minutes!!!  Slightly intimidating at first, but amazing!


Now we are not saying that you have to go out and buy all these tools right away.  These are tools that we have collected over time; either we've received as gifts, had coupons for, or from other parts of our lives, like the cast iron skillet (which was sitting in our camping gear and now we use it regularly).  If you would like to do a “test drive” of any of the tools that have been noted, give us a holler.  

What favorite recipes do you have?  Do you have any timesaving, nifty tools to share from your toolbox we call a kitchen? 

Thursday 100114


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Ring push-ups

Overhead lunges, 25# (10#)

Box jumps, 24" (20")

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Jordan from CrossFit by Overload came by for a visit and tested out Grace at altitude, 4:08 -strong work.

Check out what's all the rage in the New York Times The New Age Caveman.

Wednesday 100113


Hang squat snatch, 10 x 2 reps @ 75%

Snatch balance, 4 x 3 reps @ 70%

Back squat (high bar), 3 x 4 reps @ 80%

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New rowers are the coolest, but where are we going to put them, any suggestions?

The CrossFit Games Mountain Sectionals are March 20th and 21st 2010.  CrossFit Verve has nearly 20 athletes registered to participate and we hope to see that number increase as the event nears closer.  The Sectional-level of the CrossFit Games are the entry point for competing in the CrossFit Games.  The event is geared to facilitate all levels of CrossFitters, whether you're a beginner in need of heavy scaling or a firebreather looking to qualify for the CrossFit Games in Aromas, CA.  Expect to participate in constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity!

If you'd rather participate in another manner, you can either spectate or volunteer.  Spectators will pay a fee to attend, which goes to running the event.  Volunteers will fill several roles ranging from judging, to registration, to t-shirt sales.  All are welcome and encouraged to participate in whatever role you see fit.  Remember, the CrossFit community is made up of you – so come out, throw your heart into a few workouts, and have fun!

To register as an athlete, spectator, or volunteer – go to the 2010 CrossFit Games website.

Tuesday 100112



Three rounds, 21 – 15 – 9 reps, for time of:

Thrusters, 95#/65#


Last done October 2nd, 2009

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Beautiful momma Leslie building a strong baby boy.

Why do we Olympic lift?

While researching this topic, I was amazed to uncover ALL the benefits of Olympic Weightlifting.  First, let us define Olympic Weightlifting.  Olympic weightlifting is comprised of two lifts; the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk.  In the snatch, a barbell is lifted from the ground to overhead in one smooth movement.  In the Clean & Jerk, a barbell is lifted from the floor to the shoulder and then overhead in a locked out position. These lifts test for explosive and functional strength, while taking the whole body through it maximum range of motion.  During these lifts the body is working as a whole, the body is not separated into parts and pieces.  The Olympic lifts are inherently technical, dynamic and fast.

In CrossFit we teach that in order for ones fitness to be all inclusive, we must train ten general skills.  As we continue to increase ones abilities in all ten skills we build elite athletes with complete physical competence.  Those skills are; Cardiovascular respiratory/ endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.

Our task is now to find the BEST ways to train these skills. Olympic weightlifting addresses and trains ALL ten of these skills.  While their primary targets are strength, flexibility, power, speed, balance and coordination, they train all ten.   Now I ask you, what other “exercise” can lay this claim?  For example, you can argue that track and field focuses more on Cardiovascular respiratory/ endurance, but while focusing there it eliminates and mutes eight of the ten skills.  This makes the Olympic lifts unique in there ability to create neurological and muscular adaptation.  “They train athletes to effectively activate more muscle fibers more rapidly than through any other modality of training.  The explosiveness that results from this training is of vital necessity to every sport.” (CrossFit Foundations, 2006)

In addition to Olympic lifts addressing all ten general skills, they are the essence of a functional core to extremity movement.  A core to extremity movement starts with a stable core/spine and creates a wave of muscle contraction to the weaker extremities.  These are the “natural” muscle recruitments patterns of our bodies.  By using our bodies as a whole, each piece gets stronger. 

Resources on Olympic Weightlifting