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Saturday 100410


Three rounds for time:

Row 750m

21 Box jumps, 24"/20"

15 Shoulder press 95#/65#

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Volunteers extraordinaires, Caitlin, Katie and Manda

Friday 100409


For max load:

Jerk 5 x 3 reps

Snatch push press from the back 4 x 3 reps @ 75% of 1RM snatch 

Snatch balance 4 x 3 reps @ 75% 1RM snatch

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Mike Ware, toughing it out in the am ice rink heats.

CFV Mountain Sectional Athlete Profile: Mike Ware

Mike is new to CrossFit and has been with Verve now for 8 months.  This was his first CrossFit competition and we suspect not his last.  Mike came to Verve super strong and keeps getting stronger every day.  With his dedication and determination, we can't imagine what his work capacity will be like next year.

WOD results: 

Row/Swing/Run 14:21 Rx 64th place
Snatch/Muscle-up 165#, 0 MU (We'll get that damn MU, MIke), 112th place
Squat clean/pull-up/box jumps 2.41 rounds Rx 120th place

MIke landed 106th place overall with a total of 296 points.

Congratulations Mike!

Thursday 100408


For time:

10 Front squats, 135#/85#

50 Double unders

8 Front squats, 135#/85#

40 Double unders

6 Front squats, 135#/85#

30 Double unders

4 Front squats, 135#/85#

20 Double unders

2 Front squats, 135#/85#

10 Double unders

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Josh Grimm, CrossFit Verve athlete.

CFV Mountain Sectional Athlete Profile: Josh Grimm

Josh been a crossfitter now for over a year.  The mountain sectional games was his first CrossFit competion (we hope of many).  If you've worked out with Josh, you know he's a strong guy.  We're happy to have him on our side!

WOD results:

Row/Swing/Run 15:20 Rx 94th place
Snatch/Muscle-up 165#, 30 MU, 57th place
Squat clean/pull-up/box jumps 3.37 rounds Rx 97th place

Josh had a strong showing for his first competition he landed 89th place overall with a total of 248 points.

Congratulations Josh!

Wednesday 100407


21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 reps for time of:

Walking lunge steps



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Sir, may I please have some more cereal?
Cereal?  Paleo?  Zone?  Is this a joke?

Nope,  our people, it's for real.  In fact, once you try this it's very likely you'll never want to go back to those goofy, leaky gut, gluten & grain cereals.  Do you miss your morning oatmeal, how it used to warm you from the inside out and stick to your ribs?  Whether you are looking for something new in your breakfast routine or wanting something new and yummy in your belly for dessert–check this out!


Apple (1/2 = 1C)
Almonds (3= 1F)
Cinnamon to taste (freebie)
A bit of Mother Earth's thirst quenching H20


  • Block out your apple and almonds according to your needs, chop up the apple 
  • Add everything to a blender (another great use other than the usual margaritas)
  • Add some water, enough to cover the bottom of the blender
  • Roughly chop/pulse/blend to your liking
  • Pour into a microwave safe bowl, cover, warm for approx 1-2 min
  • Top with some extra cinnamon and wee bit extra fruit (berries, banana, etc)
  • You can make a larger batch of this and store it in the fridge, or just make it as needed.  If zoning, just block out your carbs and fats. 

If making this for a complete 3 block breakfast: 

3 eggs scrambled (3P), 1/2 cup chopped bell pepper (1C,) 2 cups spinach (1C) Cereal made with 1/2 apple (1C), 9 almonds (3F)

Tuesday 100406


Ten rounds for time of:

10 Dumbell thrusters, 40#/25#

10 Burpees

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Second place male for Paleo Challenge, Greg Bernstein. 

Greg has made an amazing lifestyle change this past few months.  For the challenge he lost 17 pounds and 3 inches off his waist. Greg's average body composition change was 7%.  WOW, really in one month of eating lean meats, veggies, nuts, seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO SUGAR!  Yes that's how he did it and is now going longer to compete with his brother to see who lasts the longest.  We are super proud Greg, keep it up.

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Patty caught red handed with a paleo kit to keep her fueled.

Patty White is the second place winner for the females in our paleo challenge.  She lost 10 pounds in one month and is boasting how she is now fitting into her skinny pants.  Patty also lost 4.5 inches off her waist and 2 inches off her hips for an average body composition change of 7%.  Awesome job Patty, keep it up! 

CONGRATULATIONS to all four winners! We will be delivering the prizes the week of the 12th.  Keep up the lifestyle, it will truly change the future of your health.

Monday 100405


Five rounds, each for time:

Run 400m

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Emmalee, muscle-up queen.

CFV Mountain Sectional Athlete Profile: Emmalee Moore

Emmalee started with Verve when we were working out in Commons Park over a year ago.  She has competed in several crossfit competitions, including last years regionals.  Emmalee has a background in gymnastics and just recently got her Level1.

WOD results:

Row/Swing/Run 15:22 Rx 37th place
Snatch/Muscle-up 100#, 38 MU (the most of any female), 1st place
Squat clean/pull-up/box jumps 4.22 rounds Rx 6th place

Emmalee finished in the top 30, landing 7th place overall with a total of 44 points and is qualified to compete in the CrossFit Regional Games this May.

Congratulations Emmalee! 

Sunday 100404



Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

400m Run

Max reps pull-ups

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Mel-Z, crossfit Verve athlete, caught in a moment of spectating. 

Saturday 100403


"CrossFit Total"

For max load:

Back squat

Shoulder press


For rules and more information about the CrossFit Total, read Mark Rippetoe's CrossFit Journal article from December 2006.  It can be downloaded here.

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And the Winners are……

Amanda Kennedy and Blake Hansen!  Congratulations you two! 

Amanda and Blake were among many that had amazing results.  Amanda lost 12 pounds, 4 inches off her waist and 4 inches off her hips.   Her average body composition change was an astounding 9%.  Amanda your hard work is paying off keep it up. 

Blake also lost 12 pounds and 4 inches off his waist.  His average body composition change was 9.5%.  WOW!

Not only did they both have significant body changes but have both been very committed to getting their workouts in.  Blake even saw a significant change in his PT test for the Marines, this last month.

Congrats you two, we are so happy your road to health is paved.

Runners up will be announced on Tuesday!

Friday 100402


Five rounds, 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 for time of:

Hang squat cleans, 115#/75#

Handstand push-ups

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I 054
Hurdle burpee fun with Bethany and Jack, while Tim walks in asking "Is Stef wearing camo?

All I can say is WOW!WOW is right, the results of the Paleo challenge are in and they are jaw dropping. As a whole we had 36 people participate.  From that 36, 10 dropped out.  So out of 26 people there was a total of 176 pounds lost. Yes, that's right 176 POUNDS in 30 days.  That's an average of  6.7 pounds per person lost, did I already say amazing?  As a group we lost 46.15 inches of our waists, that's almost 4 feet of waist GONE.  Not to mention the women lost 18 inches off their hips.  We are so astounded by the results that we've decided to crown a 1st and 2nd place male and female winners. The winners will receive the following: 

1st place male and female

2nd place male and female

  • 1 Hour personal training with the trainer of your choice
  • Verve T-shirt
  • 5 Paleo-riffic paleo kits  

You all did amazing we are so happy to see so many people getting HEALTHIER.  Many have even approached us and said there is no way they are going back.  Great job people!  Stay tuned, winners will be announced in tomorrows post! 

Thursday 100401


For max load:

Floor press 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 reps

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Check out ALL the March personal records.  We can't wait to see what April brings!

About the Floor Press

The floor press exercise is basically a bench press while lying flat on the floor.  Let's review the bench set-up before getting into the specifics of the floor press.  First, while lying on the floor, pinch your shoulder blades tightly together creating a hard flat surface to press from. Next, with your hips on the floor, arch your lumbar spine hard, keeping your belly tight.  Grip the bar so that your forearms are vertical in the bottom position of the bench and try to twist your elbows into your sides as you lower the bar.

The floor press differs from the standard bench press when the bar is lowered.  Instead of reaching the sternum, your triceps will contact the floor with the bar still inches from contacting the chest.  As the triceps contact the floor you relax the arms, thereby breaking up the eccentric and concentric chain of movements.  This method will assist in building explosive strength off the chest in a standard bench.  After relaxing the muscles of the triceps, shoulders, and pecs, violently contact all of these muscles together – pressing the bar to lockout.