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Friday 100430


As a team of four complete the following work for time:

50 Muscle-ups

200 Overhead squats, 95#, 65#

3000 Meter row

Each team must accomplish the above number of reps and distance as fast as possible.  Each team can do the exercises in any order and in any rep scheme.  You will have one set of rings, one 95 lb men’s bar, one 65 lb women’s bar and one rower.  All three movements may occur simultaneously, but only one barbell can be in use at any one time.  Each team can decide to divide up the work in whatever fashion they choose.  Muscle -ups must be from a lock out. 

Mas stabilizing inverted, YEA!

We are super excited that we will be cheering on thirteen athletes this weekend at the CrossFit Games Regionals.  If you are planning to come and cheer, here is the heat assignments.  The event will be at the Douglas County Fair Grounds.  Check out more details here. (click the right side for details)

Friday is all affiliate team WOD's, Verve goes off on the run at 9:40am, the snatch at 1pm and the triplet at 4:30pm.

Saturdays Heats women lift and the men run:

8am: Sara Weisbart, Anna Anderson and Courtney Shephard  
8:17am Dan Young
8:30am Emmalee Moore
8:31am Matt Johnson
8:48am Pat Sherwood
8:53am Matt Chan

Men lift and women run:

10:00am Dan Young
10:05am Anna Anderson
10:09am Courtney Shepard
10:15am Sara Weisbart
10:29am Emmalee Moore
10:30am Matt Chan, Matt Johnson and Pat Sherwood

The Triplet:

1:00pm Anna Anderson
1:20pm Courtney Shepard and Sara Weisbart
2:00pm Emmalee Moore
3:20pm Daniel Young
3:40pm Matt Johnson
4:20pm Pat Sherwood and Matt Chan

It's going to be a GREAT weekend!

*We will be closed for Friday night classes and Sunday for the competition.

Thursday 100429


With a continuously running clock, do one squat and one box jump the first minute, two squats and two box jumps the second minute, three squats and three box jumps the third minute… continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.

Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.  You must alternate between squats and box jumps (24"/20").

Post number of minutes successfully completed for each exercise to comments. Their sum is your score.

One Side of the Story

So, you've took the leap and started CrossFitting about 3 months ago (or more).  You made significant gains and your work capacity has increased steadily.  However, you've noticed recently that your output has begun to plateau.  You are consistently making it to the gym 5 days a week and you have solid mechanics, even at threshold power output.  So why the recent plateau or decline in performance?

You guessed it – you're only addressing one side of the story.  The foundation of fitness lies in the fuel you burn as energy.  Bad fuel, poor performance – good fuel, better performance.  So here's are a few suggestions that can get you moving in the right direction.  First, eat a post-workout meal (PWO) within 30 minutes of completion.  This doesn't need to be some fancy magical drink that you shake up.  Rather, a simple meal of high quality protein, carbohydrates, and a little fat.  Here's an example: 3oz of chicken breast, a 1lb container of strawberries, and 9 almonds.  Simple, tasty, and easy to throw in a bag for transport.

Next, eat a quality source of protein and nuts at breakfast.  Eggs work great, but how many? Guys should eat 4 whole eggs and girls should have 3.  If time is an issue, scramble the eggs in a microwave safe bowl and microwave them on high for 1:30.  Grab a big handful of nuts and run out the door toting a massive cup of coffee.  

Lastly, eat a small snack before you go to bed.  Go to bed with a little fuel in your belly to get you through the night.  Maybe a glass of whole milk (two for guys).  Or, if your belly is friendly to lactose, how about reheating some protein from dinner and have a little fat too.

Get started with these couple of tips and show up to our Nutrition Workshop on Sunday May 9th at 1:30pm.  The Nutrition Workshop is great for both beginners and advanced athletes. As always, the Nutrition Workshop is open to the public and free of charge – so don't delay – mark it on your calendar!

Wednesday 100428


As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:

7 Squat cleans, 95#/65#

7 Push press, 95#/65#

7 Burpees

Post rounds and additional reps to comments.

Matt getting ready for Regionals

Want to go to Regionals but can't swing the $25 or do you just want to be involved?  Front Range CrossFit is still needing volunteers for Friday.  If anyone is interested e-mail Cherie at Cherie@crossfitverve.com.  

Intensity defined

Anyone that has spent much time in a globo-gym has surely run into the "Gym Boss".  This is the guy that clearly is in charge of the gym – and more specifically, the free weights.  You might recognize the Gym Boss by his strappy tank top, his revealing shorts/overalls, the bandana that covers the majority of his forehead, or maybe his perfectly bronzed skin.  He's most likely carrying a small hip purse that carries snacks and trinkets and things.  The Gym Boss has one characteristic that separates him from the pack – his loud yelling between reps or sets.  This is clearly the mark of an intense workout… or is it?

Our definition of intensity takes a more scientific approach. Intensity is exactly equal to power, which in turn is equal to force multiplied by distance, divided by time.  Let's put this idea into application with a workout… let's try "Fran".

Thrusters, 95lbs

One repetition of a thruster will move 95lbs 48".  One repetition of a pull-up moves my 205lbs body 28".  We are completing 45 reps of both thrusters and pull-ups, so our total load equals 300lbs and the total distance equals 76" multiplied by 45 repetitions.  Let's say it takes me 5 minutes to complete Fran – there is the time component of the equation.

Power = (Total Load * Total Distance) / Time

P = 300lbs * 285' / 300sec

P = 85500 ft lbs / 300sec

P = 285 ft lbs per sec

P = .51 horsepower (550 ft lbs per sec)

Again, power is exactly equal to intensity, which can be measured for every workout.  The magic is in the movements, the art is in the programming, and the science is in the explanation – that's CrossFit in a nutshell.  So when people ask you what you mean by high intensity workouts, you can tell them that intensity is equal to force multiplied by distance divided by time and not by how loud you are between reps.

Tuesday 100427


In 25 minutes, reach a 1RM snatch or clean & jerk.

Use as many attempts as necessary to achieve a 1RM.

Post max load to comments.

Congratulations to Jeff Brantley and Catherine Potts for completing their Level 1 this weekend

Liquid Candy – By Nicole Gibson of CrossFit Roots

How many oranges do you think are squeezed into a 16 ounce bottle of all natural, fresh squeezed, not from concentrate orange juice (what many see as a single serving sized bottle)?  1, 2 – how about 4 or 5!  That’s right.  A 16 ounce bottle contains 48 grams of sugar (12 teaspoons!!) and close to zero fiber.  Think of it as drinking liquid candy.  Sugar, processed or natural, is still sugar.  It’s addictive so reach for the real fruit and get the liquid candy out of your life.

Monday 100426


For time:

30 Handstand push-ups

40 Pull-ups

50 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg

60 Sit-ups

70 Burpees

Post time to comments.


Steve during the max load thruster for a triple last week. 

Schedule of Events for the North Central Regionals

Next weekend the CrossFit Games North Central Regional Qualifierwill be taking place at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Castle Rock.  The weekend kicks off on Friday with the Affiliate Cup and continues throughout the weekend with the individual competition and the Affilate Cup finals.

On Friday, Alan, Gerson, Mas, Cherie, Joylyn, and Tiffany will be representing CrossFit Verve in the Affiliate Cup,which begins at 8am and continues throughout the day until 6pm.  They will compete against over 20 other teams from the region in three events.  If they make it to the finals, they will compete on Sunday morning to qualify for one of eight slots to go to the World Games in Los Angeles, CA.

Beginning Saturday at 8am, Sara W., Courtney, Anna, Emmalee, Dan, Matt J., and Matt C. will begin the first of four workouts - three of which will occur on Saturday, one on Sunday.  These individual competitors are competing for four spots for the men and four spots for the women to go to the World Games.  It should be very exciting to watch.

Please, if you are interested in attending as a spectator – GO!  Our athletes would love your support as would our community.  The support that we provide eachother is what makes our little gym so special and this weekend will be a great opportunity to come out and show your colors.  Come root team Verve on to victory!

More info can be found here.

Sunday 100425


As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:

3 Hang power snatches, 95#/65#

6 Snatch balances, 95#/65#

9 Push-ups

Post rounds and additional reps to comments.


Ha!  Stef, rockin' the score master position during the Affiliate Cup tryouts.

Saturday 100424


Five rounds:

30 Kettlebell swings (24kg, 16kg) in one minute followed by a minute rest.

For every missed rep in the minute, complete 2x that many goblet squats during your minute rest.

Post missed reps to comments.

Take responsibility for your FUZZ!

Friday 100423


Seven rounds for time:

10 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 95#/65#

10 Ring dips

Compare to: February 15th, 2009

Post time to comments.


Tiff, during the skills sesh of the affiliate cup tryouts.

Sumo what?  It's more than just a funny name and seemingly non-functional movement… it's a gateway into the clean and the snatch.  Think about it, you're two movements away from completing either (pull under and stand).  So let's brush up our sumo deadlift high pull skills a bit.

Set-up:The set-up for the sumo deadlift high pull starts with the feet.  We like to think of taking our squat stance (shoulder width) out one to two inches on each side.  Engage the posterior chain of muscles by pushing the hips back and getting your weight settled into your heels.  Reach down and grab the bar in a narrow grip position.  How narrow?  Well, narrow enough that you have enough clearance for the elbows inside your knees, but not so narrow that you lose control of the barbell.  Set your lumbar curve in a neutral position and activate the erectors to hold your spine in that position.  Lastly, position your shoulders directly over or slightly in front of the bar with straight arms.  Good?

Execution:From the set-up position, deadlift the bar off the ground building velocity as you reach hip extension.  As your hip fully extends, quickly shrug your shoulders up into your ears.  Follow through with your arms, raising your elbows high above the bar, which should reach the height of your chin.  Don't delay, set the bar down – but do it right by reversing the movement.  Extend your arms by dropping the bar down the your waist, push your hips back and as the bar passes the knees return to the set-up position.  Voila!

Thursday 100422


"The Bear"

Five rounds of:

7 reps of the sequence:

Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push Press

Rest between rounds as needed.  Once you have started the sequence, the barbell cannot rest on the ground – the sequence is "touch and go".  Increase the load each round to end on max weight. 

Post loads to comments.

Bethany, in a picture perfect L-sit.

Warning: The below video may not appropriate for the kids.

Wednesday 100421


Bench press 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 @ 80% 1RM 

Followed by;

Row 2k for time

Post bench load and 2k time to comments.


Jake taking a breather during the Affiliate Cup tryouts on Saturday. 

A 2k row eh?  Anyone who's rowed one knows that this WOD should not be underestimated.  A few things should be noted prior to tackling this beast.  First, this isn't a 500m, it's a 2k, so treat it as such by pacing yourself.  Think back to your last 500m effort – how did you feel afterwards?  What was your time?  Let's say you rowed a 1:30.00 500m and that left you laid out on the gym floor with your feet still in the heel stretchers.  Obviously a 1:30.00 split pace for your 2k would be a bad idea.  So what's an honorable split that can be maintained for the duration of the row?  You do the math and stick to your plan when you're in the thick of it.

Next, let's review our rowing progression to ensure efficient technique: 

The catch: begin by aligning your knees with your ankles, making your shins vertical.  You'll have straight arms at this point, with your back set in extension and torso leaning slightly forward.  This will be the beginning and end of every stroke.

Legs, back, hands: An efficient rowing stroke will begin from the catch with a strong leg drive.  When you apply force against the heel stretchers, you are going to strongly extend the knees, while keeping your torso and hips in the same position.  Next, begin opening the hip and bringing your torso 10 to 15 degrees back.  At this point your arms are still straight.  Lastly, reach the finish by pulling the handle to your abdomen with your hands.

The return: Once the handle is pulled into your belly, we're going to begin the journey back to the catch.  With the handle pulled snugly to the abdomen, we are going to allow the chain to quickly retract by fully extending the arms ("swing") and bringing the torso to the forward position with your knees still extended.  Lastly, you can rebend the knees and return to the catch ("in"). 

Putting the whole she-bang together, we should have something that looks like this: legs, back, hands, swing, and in.  All of the power comes from the legs, back, hands portion of the pull, so don't waste your energy speeding through the return.  Allow yourself a split second of recovery during the return and give the pull all your might