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Saturday 100619


"Stripping Nancy"

Five rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead squats

Overhead squats are to start heavy and strip weight each round.  Recommended weights are; ladies - 95 85 75 65 55, gentlemen - 135 120 105 95 85.

Post time and Saturday shenanigans to comments.

Brian 7amer, getting after it! 

Friday 100617


Bench press 5, 3, 1+ reps @ 75%, 85%, 95%
(Print worksheet out w/ your numbers)

Then, "Canada Regional WOD #4"

50 Double unders
10 Burpees
40 Double unders
10 Burpees
30 Double unders
10 Burpees
20 Double unders
10 Burpees
10 Double unders
10 Burpees

Post time to comments.

Hope you don't get sea sick.

Feeling roughed up?  Does your body feel like it's been through three rounds with
BJ Penn? Well, it should – this week marks the end of week three of our four week linear progression with the strength program.  In addition, the metcons have been pretty darn demanding over the three weeks as well.  Well, don't you worry – next week will be a bit of a break for your aches and pains, as we'll be decreasing the percentages for the strength workouts and we'll reduce the physical and mental demands from your metcons.

Say what?!?  Yeah, that's right – we can't always go 100% full throttle all of the time and we recognize that.  Think of next week as active recovery week and focus on mechanics of the movements rather than your time or load.  We've done this before – some hate it, some love it, but all benefited from it.  Give your body a break as we finish out our 1st wave of the strength cycle and as July rolls around you'll be rewarded with a recharged mind and body.  

But until Monday – GAME ON!  Give the rest of this week everything you've got!

Thursday 100617


Hang clean 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 reps

Split jerk 5×1 rep @ 100% of hang clean load

Snatch grip deadlift 3×5 reps @ 80% snatch 1RM

Post load to comments.

"Ginger" and "Juaquine M…" after Ginger's "requested" WOD

From Dave Tate: owner of EliteFTS

You Ever Wonder?
You ever wonder what you should look like at the bottom of a back squat?

Well you should, but in case you haven’t I have and this is what I came up with.

At the bottom of the squat…

  • Your knees should be pushed out.
  • Your back should be arched.
  • Your chest should be up.
  • Your head should be back into the bar.
  • Your upper back should be pulled together.
  • Your elbows should be under or slightly behind the bar.
  • You should be pushing out on the sides of your shoes.
  • Your torso (belly and chest) should be full of air.
  • You should be pushing out against your belt.
  • You should have a tight grip on the bar.
  • Your knees should be in line with your ankles (or slightly in front)

Wednesday 100616


For time:

Row 2,000m
50 Wall ball shots

Row 1,000m
35 Wall ball shots

Row 500m
20 Wall ball shots

Post time to comments.


The 5:30pm class rollin' it out like good boys and girls.

Okay, so this is a quick go to meal when we are short on time.  It's not only quick to make but refreshing and crisp, perfect for summertime gatherings.  If you've got a handy food processor, it's lightening fast to make.

It's paleo-friendly, it's zone-friendly……you can add some fruit or other veggies to balance out your carbs for a perfect meal! 

Chix Curry Salad


  • 12 oz leftover or rotisserie chicken, shredded or cubed (12P)
  • 2.5 cups red bell pepper, chopped (2C)
  • 2 cups celery, chopped (1C)
  • 1/2 oz sliced almonds (5F)
  • 1/8 cup raisins–I like the golden ones (1.6C)
  • 1 T homemade mayonnaise (see recipe below) (7.33F)
  • 1 T curry powder–freebie and oh so good for you!
  • pepper to taste


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and serve.  Adjust the mayonnaise to meet your fat requirements.  This makes 4 servings at roughly 3P, 1C, 3F.  ENJOY!

Tuesday 100615


In 2:30 (3:00), run 400m and move as much weight overhead as possible.  Only a power snatch or a snatch may be employed as a means of moving load from ground to overhead.  The run must be completed first and the amount of weight loaded on the bar is your choice.

Rest 1:30 and repeat for a total of four rounds.

Post load and strategy to comments.


Arrrrrgh – what's next?!? 

With facebook, myspace, twitter, linkedIn and all the other technology based social networking tools out there, face to face social networking is a thing of the past.  Yet, this weekend 30 of Verve's athletes turned there phones off, moved away from the computer, and allowed themselves a moment of freedom from technology and conquered a class IV section of the Arkansas River known as "The Numbers". 

Not only did each of the Verve athletes survive this time away from the old ball and chain – whether it was their iPhones or MacBooks, they had a great time with eachother.  Many of the athletes had never met, as some were 6am'ers and others were 6:30pm'ers.  But after a short car ride through mixed weather conditions, an hour long trip down the Arkansas, and a couple of pitchers of beer later – they were imitating fish trying to get off a hook… together. 

Most remarkable was what the guides from Lakota told Cherie and I: that if that trip was with any other group, they probably wouldn't have been able to run it.  They mentioned time and time again how easy the trip was due to our strength and level of fitness.  Fuck yeah!  What's next….?

Monday 100614


Back squat 5, 3, 1+ reps @ 75%, 85%, 95%
(Print worksheet out with your #'s)

Followed by 15 rounds for time of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

There will be a 12 minute cut-off for this workout, at which point your rounds completed will be your score.

Post time / rounds to comments.

Rafting was a BLAST.  We had so many people they ran out of equipment and Mark had to make do

Good Stress/Bad Stress, Eustress/Distress

To quote Mel Siff "training may… be described as the process whereby the body is systematically exposed to a given set of stressors to enable it to efficiently manage future exposure to those stressors." These stressors hopefully produce the products of eustress, excellent personal performance, growth, and repair.  In a sense, eustress causes the body to adapt and provides us with a sense of fulfillment and positive feelings

When your training takes a turn for the worse, you are experiencing distress.  Whether your this negative stress causes injury, sickness, unhappiness, or negative performance in the gym, it can be combated with several methods.  The obvious methods are: get plenty of rest, get outside in the sun, eat well, and exercise. 

Our training specifically addresses causes of distress and attempts to avoid them.  We ask you to follow our 3-on 1-off, 2-on 1-off cycle in order to get enough rest to allow positive adaptation to our stimulus (CrossFit).  We also ask that you eat lean meats, veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar, keeping intake to levels that support exercise, but not excess body fat.  By following the program on a consistent basis, you are also taking advantage of macro cycling, where we attempt to constantly achieve higher performance by cycling the difficulty to facilitate growth and recovery.

In addition, you need to sleep!  Someone much wiser than me once said "Sleep as much as your wife and your job will allow."  Yeah, sleep that much.  Also, get outside and play – enjoy the fruits of your labor by celebrating your work capacity by doing something fun like rafting, hiking, climbing or simply taking a run with the dog.  Let's induce eustress and fight distress! 

Sunday 100613


Rafting the "numbers" for time:

Post stories to comments.


A note from our amazing guide Lisa – RAFTERS: 

Meet for Car Pool at the Verve at 6am.
Be in Granite at the Lakota outpost on Hwy 24 at 8:30am if you are not with the carpool. If you get there a little later due to work schedule, no worries…we'll be gearing up and signing paperwork.
Please, Please, Please dress warm. Bring warm clothes to change into after the trip.

Lakota guides: 970.845.7238 http://www.lakotaguides.com 

Directions from Verve:
1. Head east on W 38th Ave toward Julian St 0.4 mi
2. Turn right at Federal Blvd 3.0 mi
3. Slight right to merge onto US-6 W 8.2 mi
4. Take the exit onto I-70 W toward Grand Jct 65.5 mi
5. Take exit 195 to merge onto CO-91 S toward Copper Mountain/Leadville 22.6 mi
6. Continue onto US-24 E/N Poplar St 1.0 mi
7. Turn right at E 9th St 0.1 mi
8. Turn left at Harrison Ave 0.5 mi
9. Continue onto Silver Dr 0.3 mi
10. Continue onto US-24 E/Front St
Continue to follow US-24 E. Lakota Guides is a white building on the right side of the highway. You will see a large parking area there. Please pull into the parking area and do not park on US 24.
1. Head east on W 38th Ave toward Julian St 0.4 mi
2. Turn right at Federal Blvd 3.0 mi
3. Slight right to merge onto US-6 W 8.2 mi
4. Take the exit onto I-70 W toward Grand Jct 65.5 mi
5. Take exit 195 to merge onto CO-91 S toward Copper Mountain/Leadville 22.6 mi
6. Continue onto US-24 E/N Poplar St 1.0 mi
7. Turn right at E 9th St 0.1 mi
8. Turn left at Harrison Ave 0.5 mi
9. Continue onto Silver Dr 0.3 mi
10. Continue onto US-24 E/Front St
Continue to follow US-24 E. Lakota Guides is a white building on the right side of the highway. You will see a large parking area there. Please pull into the parking area and do not park on US 24.

Saturday 100612


Three rounds for time of:

15 Deadlifts 225#, 155#

21 Kettlebell Swings 32kg, 24kg

Run 350 Meters

Compare your results to the San Diego 2010 Sectional.

Post time to comments.

Katie and Cailtin are happy to be working on their abductor strength

Friday 100611


Shoulder press 3 – 3 – 3+ @ 70%, 80%, 90%

Followed by three rounds for time of:

50 Double unders

21 Ring dips

12 Skin-the-cats

For percentages, see Monday 100531.

Post time to comments.

Ed of our amazing 6am'ers battling with "Arnie". 

Random thoughts that we'd like you to share.  What music do you like to workout to?  Did you know you can bring it in for all to share your joy?  Do you even hear the music while working out?  Is there some music that you HATE to listen to? 

Do you have any workout rituals, something you have to do before or after?  What do you think of kombucha?

Post your random thoughts and answers to comments.

Thursday 100610


For max loads:
Power snatch 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 reps
Snatch balance 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 reps

Then; three rounds for time of:
15 Dumbell push press
15 Burpees

Post loads and time to comments.


Josh Grimm contemplating another round of KB swings during "Arnie".

Ok, so we don't normally do this…. this Sunday's WOD will be rafting "The Numbers" section of the Arkansas River. This trip has been organized by Lisa Ward, CrossFit Verve athlete and former river guide.  On Sunday, we'll meet in Granite (near Buena Vista) at 8:30am to be guided down a Class IV "The Numbers".  All are welcome – friends, family, and non-CrossFit Verve members alike (must be over age 16).  

Everyone that is going must call Lakota River Guides to make a deposit of $25 (total cost is $55 this is SUPER cheap, thanks Lisa).  You must call on or before June 11th in order to go on this trip.  This is another great opportunity to test your fitness, as well as meet some CrossFitter's.  We'll organize a carpool leaving from CrossFit Verve when we have a total number of attendees and we'll certainly meet for late lunch afterwards.  Last year we had 43 people go on this trip and it was truly unforgettable – let's get more going this year!

Book your spot NOW!
Lakota River Guides
(970) 476-7238