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Monday 100906


Week 15: Bench press 5, 3, 1+ reps @ 75%, 85%, 95%
Please be sure to use the spreadsheet.

Followed by "Elizabeth"

21 – 15 – 9 rep rounds for time of:
Clean, 135#/95#
Ring dips

Post time to comments.

A little peek into the new place. 

Hurt So Good – By CrossFit Intrepid

Last week, the CrossFit Journal posted a video clip of CrossFit Endurance coach Brian MacKenzie lecturing on the burning sensation felt by athletes during workouts that tends to slow them down.  Many of us equate this pain to the build up of lactic acid (or lactate), but recent research has shown that lactate actually slows the acidosis process (the build up of acid in our cells) and is actually part of a previously undiscovered metabolic pathway that helps fuel our anaerobic activity.  According to Coach MacKenzie, the tingling or burning sensation we feel during exercise is actually caused by the accumulation of potassium in the tissue and that lactate actually helps alleviate that soreness.  Sodium ions are pumped out of cells while potassium is pumped in via the sodium-potassium pump.  The diagram below provides a summary of the process:

Courtesy of Professor Serianni of University of Notre Dame

What’s interesting is that the sodium-potassium pump becomes more and more efficient as more force is applied…just another benefit of including strength training into our programming.  This also helps explain why many CrossFit Endurance athletes are seeing tremendous results by using CrossFit and shorter, more intense running/swimming/biking/rowing sessions vice traditional training programs. 

You may be wondering then what causes soreness over the few days that follow intense workout sessions.  It’s not potassium which only causes that sensation during a workout, but rather the inflammation resulting from the break down of our tissue (just another reason to focus on strength training and minimizing inflammation via the Paleo diet and fish oil supplementation…I’m just saying).

Reminder – there are a limited number of classes today, check the schedule for details.  Foundations class for this evening is rescheduled.  We'll have Foundations classes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings this week.

This is the last week of heavy loading for 5/3/1, so get in and get the work done.  We'll have one week of deload/recovery and then we'll retest our max lifts.  This week is your opportunity to get a good estimate of what those max effort lifts will be.

Sunday 100905


As a team of two, complete five rounds for time:

70 Jump and touch

60 Squats

50 Sit-ups

40 Push-ups

30 Pull-ups

Only one team member may be moving at once.  Jump and touch are completed with a target set 18" over reach standing on tip toes.  Each team member gets their own target.

Post team and time to comments.

Robyn gettin' busy with the tire flip workout at the Colorado Open. 

Saturday 100904


For time:

100 Front squats, 115#/75#

On the minute, every minute, complete 10 box jumps, 20"

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Dom and Emmalee rolling out
Have you been taking care of your tight muscles with the foam rollers or lacrosse balls? 

Friday 100903


Week 14: Shoulder press 3, 3, 3+ reps @ 70%, 80%, 90%
Please be sure to use the spreadsheet.

Followed by; 21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high pulls, 75#/55#
Push jerks, 75#/55#

Push jerks are must be completed as just that, not push presses.

Post time to comments.

Team Verve, Da Boyz!  Can you guess which one is Chinese

Inaugural CrossFit / USA Weightlifting Open Comes to Colorado Springs, Oct. 1-3

Nicole Jomantas July 08, 2010


(Colorado SpringsColo.) – USA Weightlifting is pleased to announce that the inaugural CrossFit / USA Weightlifting Open will be held from Oct. 1-3 at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort in Colorado Springs.


The event will join weightlifting – one of the oldest Olympic sports – with CrossFit – one of the most popular strength and conditioning programs in the nation that combines weightlifting, sprinting and gymnastics.


“We’re excited to partner with our friends in the CrossFit community to host this event,” said USA Weightlifting CEO Rick Adams (Colorado Sp
“USAW is committed to broadening our relationships throughout our industry and partnering with a first-class organization like CrossFit is a tremendous step in that direction as we promote the great sport of Olympic weightlifting.”


The Crossfit / USA Weightlifting Open will feature athletes competing in three disciplines: the Olympic-style snatch and clean & jerk as well as a third CrossFit event called the Triplet. The Triplet will be as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of six squat cleans (55kg men / 30kg women), 12 pull-ups and 24 double unders.


Athletes will compete in the seven women’s and eight men’s Olympic weight divisions as they vie for titles.


"We're very pleased to offer this unique competition with USA Weightlifting. Athletes will now be able to compete in a multi-modal event that includes both weightlifting using standard international competition rules and a 10-minute CrossFit Triplet. Not only will the winners of each division have to demonstrate outstanding strength, power and weightlifting technique, but also the additional fitness required for the CrossFit Triplet," said Dave Castro, CrossFit's Director of Training. "A huge thanks toRick Adams and USAW for hosting the event."


Schedule and registration information will be posted soon on both the USA Weightlifting Web site (www.usaweightlifting.org) as well as the CrossFit Web site (www.crossfit.com).  For additional information, contact Courtney Kulick, USA Weightlifting Event and Operations Manager, at Courtney.Kulick@usaweightlifting.org.

We are proud to announce that CrossFit Verve is an official USA Weightlifting Club!  Team CrossFit Verve currently has 4 athletes representing at this event, but we're hoping for more.  This is a unbelievable opportunity to not only compete in the first ever CrossFit weightlifting event, but also a great opportunity to compete alongside athletes like Josh Everett, Chris Spealler, Miranda Oldroyd, Rich Froning, Peter Egyed, Caity Matter Henniger, and DJ Wickham.  

If you are interested in joining CrossFit Verve as we test out our weightlifting skills, as well as compete in a challenging AMRAP – don't hesitate, ACT NOW!  Email Matt for instructions on how to register.

Thursday 100902


With a 45# bar, complete 21 – 15 – 9 reps for time of:

Turkish get-ups, alternating arms

Sotts press

Post time to comments.

Mark gets a PR (personal record) on his Birthday, it made the CrossFit angels happy! 

Eat Good Food, REAL Good Food.

I have met very few people who eat unhealthy, or so they think.  So why is it that waist lines continue to get larger?  Is it just age and a slowed metabolism?  Consider for a moment our modern food sources and diet.  Now consider the choices we would have had available to us as cave-people. 

You've heard it a millions times, sugar is bad for you.  You may think to yourself, well I don't eat sugar… that often.  The food industry has capitalized on the terminology, "all natural," "no sugar added," and "organic", to sell us what is suppose to be good for us. Below are some common "healthy" foods, their sugar content, and some alternatives. 

014 017 
Eight ounces of Robinson's 100% orange juice contains 2.5 tablespoons of sugar.  Compare that to one orange with an average of 0.5 of a tablespoon of sugar. 

020 021 
One Larabar "The original fruit and nut bar" contains just under 0.25 cups of sugar.  Compare that 1 cup of strawberries, which contain 3 teaspoons of sugar.

007 018 
One serving of organic, gluten free, wild brown rice contains a heaping 0.25 cups of sugar.  Compare that to 4 cups of broccoli, which contains less than 1 tablespoon of sugar.

010 012 001
Other shockers include; 6 oz of fat free yogurt, Odwalla super protein and 10 tortilla chips. 

All of this food was bought at our local "health" food store, giving consumers the impression that they are making healthier choices.  Next time you go shopping, think of these comparisons and choose the low sugar (and low glycemic index) options – whole foods like broccoli, strawberries or an orange.  Leave the sugar on the shelf and redefine your idea of healthy foods.

Wednesday 100901


Hang muscle clean 3×5 reps @ 25%, 30%, 35% 1RM clean
Tall clean 5×1 reps @ ~45% 1RM clean

Power clean 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3

Post power clean load to comments.

Colorado Open Event 1 – video by Chris Slaughter

Shoes – By Anna Anderson

A common question heard in a Crossfit gym, “What are the best types of shoes for CrossFit?”  So what is the importance of a shoe?  A few things come to mind.  They are there to protect your feet be it from rocks, pavement, falling weights, etc.  Some, like the Nike Corporation would argue they improve performance. Really?

There is an ongoing debate, if you will, regarding minimalist shoes versus barefoot.  To clarify minimalist shoes are those that are flatter, less material involved, basic shoe like the Vibram 5 finger or Nike Free.  Some experts are starting to agree, shoes may leave the athlete more prone to injury.  One such expert, Daniel Liberman, a biologist has spent a lot of time dedicated to studying the human body in response to evolution.  His argument regarding shoes versus barefoot, are those shoes that are made with cushiony heels, may encourage poor running technique.  Ultimately, defeating the foot’s anatomical design.  


The foot is designed to absorb impact on the pad of the foot, forward part of the foot. The arch is there to act as a spring for natural suspension and balance of weight.  Highly padded shoes, especially in the heel, make the athlete run and absorb the impact through the heel, sabotaging the body’s natural suspension.  Also elevated heels tend to make you less balanced allowing for rolling of the ankles.

Mike Burgener, an Olympic lifting coach suggests wearing oly shoes simply for a stable platform if nothing else.  Ultimately, Crossfitters should wear whatever makes them feel comfortable in order to perform.  “Whether you wear oly shoes to run a 400m sprint or snatch in your running shoe, wear them….” Chuck Carswell, level 1, level 2 HQ trainer.  Pay attention to your numbers, times, etc, these can be an indication of what works best regarding foot wear and the activity.  Also, be comfortable with adaptation, don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable, you may have to run in Oly shoes, or lift in Nike frees, adjust and adapt.

Tuesday 100831


As many rounds as possible in 7:00 minutes:

Row 15 calories

15 Burpees

Post rounds and fractions to comments. 

The competitors and Lev (the future competitor). 

Congrats to all who competed this weekend!

This past weekend was a blast.  Thanks to Front Range CrossFit for hosting this event and allowing us to exercise our competitive spirits.  Thanks also to all the cheering fans who came out during their hard earned weekend to cheer us on.  The Verve community strikes again.

Highlights:  Sara Lev and Tiffany made custom shirts and posters, which they proceeded to post ALL over the event ("Do you smell what the VERVE is cookin'). Courtney and Robyn not only did 105# power cleans (42 times), but also 145# back squats. Mike McKenna met his goal of getting in the top half of the competition.  Robyn remembered to pull up her knee highs before the tire flip event began.  Domoni took 1st place in the BS/PU couplet.  Blake finished WOD #2 with 30 seconds to spare and brought the crowd to it's feet.  Catherine inspired every Verve athlete in attendance. Emmalee never stopped smiling.  Andy apologized for not going faster and for having to break the last WOD.  Anna had perfect form.  Robyn smoked her heat in the last event followed closely by Catherine.  Andy's max back squat was 235# a few months ago and this weekend he completed 20 reps at 225#.  Mike flipped the tire/ran in 44 seconds.  Emmalee and Cherie were able to do a 60 second shoe trade between heats. Jack tryed to buy a 32kg KB and switched it for a 24kg.  The Godinez BBQ.  Hands were torn, noses ran, throats coughed and sweat was pored.  But the biggest success of the weekend was that ALL and I mean ALL 10 Verve competitors completed all the workouts as RX'd.  Not one modification was made by any of the athletes.  STRONG WORK VERVE!

The Results:
Men: Andy 27th, M&M 41st, Blake 61st (total male competitors 86)
Ladies: Cherie 4th, Emmalee 8th, Anna 13th, Domoni 23rd, Robyn 30th, Courtney 34th and Catherine 36th (total female competitors 78)

Next event: not for time, no winners, no trophy, The Metro Dash!  We already have 11 team members, will you be 12?

Road Trip: Hit Colorado Springs for the 2010 CrossFit/USAW Weightlifting Open - 
video [wmv] [mov]

WHO WANTS TO WORK OUT ON LABOR DAY?  If you will be there we will have classes, post to comments if yes and what time, we may just hold morning classes.

Monday 100830


Week 14: Deadlift 3, 3, 3+ reps @ 70%, 80%, 90%
Please be sure to use the spreadsheet.

Five rounds for time:
21 Thrusters, 65#/45#
21 Double unders

Post time to comments.

Rock star pose – Mr. Mike McKenna

Posterior Chain Development

Once a week, we specifically focus on the development of the posterior chain by completing three sets of low reps at a relatively high percentage of your 1 rep max.  We do this because your posterior chain of muscles can unlock a ton of athleticism.  By strengthening your posterior chain, we expect you to be able to squat and deadlift heavier loads, sprint faster, jump higher and further, and stay injury free.

This last point can't be understated.  Many times you hear someone with a back injury state that they cannot complete a movement required by life because they don't wish to re-injure their back.  This weak point demonstrates precisely why we develop the posterior chain – because life demands us to perform these movements.  Imagine trying to get through a day without completing some sort of deadlift or squat.  Shit… good luck even getting out of bed!

But this can be dangerous when the movements we practice are not completed with sound mechanics and technique.  For example, loosing your midline in a deadlift or squat creates a moment where you're susceptable to injury.  Also, allowing your knees to track inside your feet puts unecessary rotational toque on the knee joint, which can lead to injury.  Of course, ineffective spotting techniques can also allow an injury to occur.

So although we want you to become a better athlete by developing the posterior chain, we also want you to use your head and employ consistently good mechanics when strength training.  As we finish the last cycle of the 5/3/1 before re-testing our 1RM's, use your head and your ears in the gym.  Listen to your coach and enjoy being a capable athlete.

Sunday 100829


Tabata hurdle jumps, 24"/20" 

Tabata dumbell push press, 40#/25#

16 sets total, alternating hurdles and push press.  This means you do hurdles for 20 seconds, 10 seconds of rest and rotate to push press, 20 seconds push press, 10 seconds of rest and rotate… etc.

Post total reps to comments.

Blake Hansen running to finish WOD #2 at the Colorado Open.


Current standings for Verve athletes in the Colorado Open:


Andy 38th, M&M 45th, Blake 65th


Domoni 6th, Cherie 8th, Anna 11th, Emmalee 12th, Courtney 33rd, Catherine 42nd, Robyn 46th.

Workouts for tommorows competition:

Workout #3

For time:

5 tire flips, 500 lbs (350 lbs)
100 meter sprint
5 tire flips, 500 lbs (350 lbs)

Modified weights
men – 350 lbs
women – 250 lbs

Workout #4

2 rounds for time of:

500 meter row
10 burpees
20 kettlebell snatches, 24 kg (16 kg) each hand
30 ball slams, 45 lbs (30 lbs)

Modified weights
men – 16 kg kettlebell, 30 lb slam ball
women – 12 kg kettlebell, 20 lb slam ball

Thank you for all your support!

Saturday 100828


For time:
2k row
5 rounds of Cindy
500 m row
5 rounds of Cindy
2k row

One round of Cindy equals five pull-ups, ten push-ups and fifteen squats.

Post time and thoughts to comments.

Ben Freedman, number three! 

Come cheers on your Verve athletes at the Colorado Open this weekend.

Heat times for Saturday:
9:00am / 1:00pm Robyn Bosch
9:12am / 1:15pm Courtney Shepherd
9:24am / 1:30pm Domoni Alexander and Catherine Potts
9:36am / 1:45pm Cherie Chan
10:12am / 2:30pm Emmalee Moore and Anna Anderson
10:36am / 3:00pm Mike McKenna (M&M)
10:48am / 3:15pm Andy Dutton 
11:36am / 4:15pm Blake Hansen  

Workout #1
3 minutes of back squats, 225 lbs (145 lbs)
3 minutes of pullups

Workout #2
6 rounds for time of:
7 power cleans, 165 lbs (105 lbs)
150 meter run

Sunday there will also be two workouts, all we know is that a 500# and 350# tire flip are involved.  Come out and cheers on the team.  Check out location and information here.