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Thursday 101104


Take 12 minutes to reach a 1RM snatch for the day

Followed by; 

Three position snatch (mid-thigh, knee, ground)
1rep @ 60%, 1rep @ 65%, 2reps @ 70%, 1rep @ 75%

Snatch pull, 3x3reps @ 110% 

Post power snatch loads to comments.

Simon back in Denver and getting after it, welcome home Simon.

Do you ever wonder why we do Olympic lifts like the clean and jerk or the snatch? 

Numerous studies have demonstrated the Olympic lift's unique capacity to develop strength, muscle, power, speed, coordination, vertical leap, muscular endurance, bone strength and the physical capacity to withstand stress.  It's also worth mentioning that the Olympic lifts are the only lifts shown to increase maximum oxygen uptake, the most important marker for cardiovascular fitness.

Sadly, the Olympic lifts are seldom seen in the commercial fitness community because of their inherently complex and technical nature.  CrossFit makes them available to anyone with the patience and persistence to learn.

CrossFit Foundations


The classic video "Heavy Musings" 

Wednesday 101103


Three rounds for time of:
21 Supine ring rows 
21 Ring dips
50 Squats

Post time to comments.

Look out Turkey challenge, here comes Marsha.  Marsha got her first kipping pull-ups this week, then proceeded to get 8 more.

Been itching to work on those snatches?  Can't wait to practice your inversions? Got the double under blues? Well nows your chance to scratch that itch.  Come to Verve this Saturday and Sunday.  This Saturday and Sunday you will notice that there are two classes each day. There will be a skill session the hour after each day.  Saturday at 11am and Sunday at noon come and work on those skills that have been putting a chink in your armour.  These session will last one hour each and be open to all Verve members, no need to sign up.  These hours will be free flowing, let the coach know what you're there to work on, they will pair you up and put you to work with some fun drills.  

Reading to get you pumped, courtesy of The CrossFit Journal,  Download CFJ_Amundson_Chinks

Tuesday 101102



Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 minutes of:

2 Muscle-ups

4 Handstand push-ups

8 Kettlebell swings, 32kg/20kg

A 10 burpee penalty will be assigned to the class if anyone drops a kettlebell.  A kettlebell is considered dropped if it hits the ground without both of your hands on it.

Post rounds and additional reps to comments.

Tiff, showing Cherie how it's done.


A characteristic of a functional movements is that it follows universal motor recruitment patterns.  In other words, a functional movement displays patterns of movement that are found everywhere in life.  When looking at these three movements, one might think that none of these movements display universal motor recruitment patterns.  Let's dig a little deeper.

When I was growing up on the South Side of Chicago, my friends and I sought out as much trouble as possible.  Without exception, a summer would not go by without a glorious, balls to the wall, police chase on foot.  Also without exception, these chases would involve hopping numerous chain link fences.  Now I admit, the muscle-up does not allow for assistance from the legs (other than generating momentum), but other than that… hopping a fence is a wonderful example of a muscle-up application in life.

I know what you're thinking… "What's he going to pull out of his ass for a handstand push-up?"  Well, I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of our athletes went to college.  I know for a fact that you are not allowed to receive your diploma without having completed a honest-to-God kegstand.  Kick up, get inverted, drink, drink, drink, press back up (as you surely sunk lower), and kick down.  Perfect example of a practical application of the handstand push-up.

Finally, the kettlebell swing.  This is not going to be PC, but I say this with a light hearted humor intended only.  Midget toss.  Plain and simple.  

Monday 111001


Fifteen rounds each for time of:
Sprint 20 seconds
Rest 40 seconds

Post distance to comments.

Tim using the power of his hip drive to create elevation on the barbell.

What is that stuff called CrossFit?   

How many times have you heard that question?  I've been a CrossFit athlete for about three years now and there are two things that never pop into my head when this question is asked.  First, "constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity" and the second "Increased work capacity over broad time and modal domains".  Though I can recite these like scripture, and believe in their worth to fitness, they are not the first thoughts in my head.

The first thing I do think about is how CrossFit has changed my life.  How do you explain that to a stranger?  They always ask me, were you overweight?  No.  Were you out of shape? No.  I didn't start CrossFit with all these lofty goals to lose weight and get in shape, so how could CrossFit a strength and conditioning program, change my life so drastically that I cannot imagine my life without it?  
CrossFit does change people’s lives, those that are open to it?  It exposes you to things that you are not good at.  You will look silly and you will not always be the best.  It doesn't matter who you are, you will be challenged by aspects of this program.  At first, this is a big hit to the ego and you desire to be better so that you can be the best.  Soon you find that the best gets you nothing but an impressive "Grace" time or bragging rights and then the real changing begins?  So why does CrossFit change peoples lives, all CrossFitters not just the fire breathing kind?

CrossFit changes people’s lives through constant challenge and exposure.  When you are at your worst CrossFit will not let up, it will not release you to stand and watch.  It is tough love, it throws you back in the fire and says you will endure, you will finish, and you will be the person you know that you can be.  How can a workout do all that?  I don't have the answer there; it is a mystery how 21-15-9 thrusters and pull-ups can change how badly you want to become that person inside.

I believe that we all have an image of ourselves, who we keep striving to be, CrossFit exposes this person and challenges you to be just that and no less.  It's not easy to face yourself everyday, and just when you think you have been defeated, your community arises around you to rally.  Friendships are developed, you become closer to your CrossFit comrades then you ever thought possiblethey endure along side you and remind you that you are a part of something bigger then yourself and your life begins to change.  Now tell me, how do you explain that to a stranger?

Sunday 101031


Six rounds, 21 -18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 reps for time of:

Parallette push-ups


Back squat, 135#

Post time to comments.

Mr. Watson, bringin' it on his first WOD with Verve, welcome Dan.

Have a spooky day team, wish we were celebrating with you all!


Saturday 101030



30 Power clean & jerk 135# (95#)

Post time to comments.


I love Coach Glassman (watch this video)

Friday 101029


Three rounds for time of:

30 Wall ball shots, 20#/14#

30 Hang squat snatches, 75#/45#

Hang squat snatches are to begin from below the knee.  If a bare bar is dropped, everyone stops the workout and completes 15 burpees before commencing the workout.

Post time to comments.


Raise your hand if you're sure!

Barbells For Boobs!

The Barbells For Boobs event is this Saturday at the Park Meadows Lululemon store. The event runs from 8-10 AM and people can show up when they want and filter in when a station is open. The closer to 8 AM that people arrive the better. Park Meadows has put together a raffle for everyone who has donated $35 to Barbells for Boobs that will include the prizes below! Park Meadows will also be serving fruit, water, hot chocolate and beer for all the competitors and spectators. There will also be chair massages!

Event Details

  • First round of the workout will start at 8am and start times and will conclude at 10am.
  • Anyone can participate in the CrossFit workout (no donation necessary).
  • Only those contributing the $35 to Mammograms in Action will be entered in the raffle drawing though.
  • You must be present to win the raffle prizes.
  • Castle Rock radio will be DJing the event!

Raffle Prizes

  1. Workout apparel, top and bottom, for 1 man and 1 woman donated by Lululemon.
  2. A two-night one bedroom cabin stay at Devils Thumbs Ranch/Resort valued at $680.00.
  3. Two $100 dollar gift certificates donated by Sports Authority .
  4. A $30 gift certificate to Merles Restaurant in Littleton.
  5. A $25 gift certificate to Opus Restaurant in Littleton.
  6. A $30 gift certificate to Dream Acres Ranch for 10 Bars of Handmade Goat Milk Soap.
  7. Therapy Basket valued at $150 along with a 50% discount for a 60, 90, or 120 minute hot stone massage donated by Hands on Massage and Bodywork.
  8. For a woman, a 16kg kettlebell and 1 pair of Rage grips.  For a man a 24kg kettlebell and 1 pair of rage grips.
  9. $25 gift certificate Kate's Wine Bar in Littleton, along with a basket of a variety of wines.
  10. One poster of the write-up "You Are Beautiful" by Jon Gilson.

Who's going?  Post thoughts to comments. 

Thursday 101028


"Fight Gone Lulu"

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.  This is a five minute round from which a one minute break is allowed before repeating.  The stations are:



Over head plate lunges 45# (25#) 


Shoulder to overhead, 45# (33#)

The clock does not stop or reset between exercises.  On the call of "rotate", the athletes immediately move to the next station for a good score.  One point is given for each rep.

Post total to comments.

Progress, sidewalk is being poured.

Front door and window are in

Back door is installed…. coming soon to downtown Denver, CrossFit Verve.

What to expect as Verve grows into our bigger home.

The biggest thing we are excited about with our move is the ability to do MORE.  Our minds race daily with programs (O-Lifting, P-Lifting, Gymnastics, mobility, Yoga etc.), clinics, lectures, seminars, competitions, challenges and fundraisers like Barbells for boobies.  No more will we be confined to our 900 sq feet where barbells smash rower monitors and drywall.  Where going to the bathroom could mean taking your life in your own hands. Where hanging out, has to be on a GHD or reverse hyper machine. Where putting you keys and jacket down can turn into a scavenger hunt.

We are officially TWO years old and we've come a long way.  We plan to have a nice big party to celebrate what a journey it has been, all of you and an exciting future.

So what can you expect? You can expect us to strive to deliver the best training and trainers possible. You can expect to continue to work hard, CrossFit will not get any easier.  You will still need to sign-up for classes and expected to show up when you sign-up.  You can expect to see subtle and not so subtle changes.  You can expect to meet new friends.  You can expect some things to change and other to stay exactly the same.  You can expect us to keep trying to get better everyday, every workout, every decision.  Our commitment to you, to CrossFit and to building a fit community that transforms lives by providing elite functional fitness, so that people may live happier and healthier, will remain our mission.

What will we do first?

Wednesday 101027


Weighted pull-ups

Post loads to comments.

Welcome to Verve Jacob, he comes from CrossFit Omaha.

Ground beef and marinara sauce go together just like peanut butter and jelly (Yummmm…).  Anyways, we built this master piece and wanted to shout from the top of our lungs on how good it is.  



  • 1lb of ground beef 16P
  • 4 bell peppers (red, green, yellow, orange, purple? Just making sure you are there) 4C
  • 2/3cup white onion chopped  1C
  • 3cups of low sugar content marinara sauce  6C
  • 24 Almonds crushed (place in a ziplock bag and crush with the marinara jar) 8F
  • 1 clove minced  Freebie
  • 4cups of spinach 1C
  • 1/2tsp red pepper flakes  Freebie
  • 1/2tsp of Mrs. Dash seasoning  Freebie 


Cook the ground beef, garlic, onions, and seasonings in a medium sized pan.  While the beef is cooking, prep your bell peppers; cut the tops off the peppers and core the inside.  Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees F  When beef has browned, drain the fat out of the pan.  Place the meat back on heat, add 2 cups of marinara, crushed red peppers and spinach cook for another 2 minutes.

Take the beef marinara mix off the stove.  Place the mix evenly into the four peppers.  Place the stuffed peppers in a pyrex that is sprayed with non-stick spray.  Place in the oven for 20 minutes to let the peppers blister.  

Place the peppers on a serving dish and cover with the remaining cup of marinara spread a 1/4cup over all four.  Uhh, can you say delicious!?! 

This recipe makes 16P, 12C, 8F.  If evenly seperated, this will make 4 meals at 4P, 3C, 2F.  Add some tasty guac or avos for additional fats. 

Top pepper 

Stuff your belly marinara peppers


Ground beef and marinara sauce go together just like peanut butter and jelly (Yummmm…).  Sorry, its been awhile.  Anyways, we built this master piece and wanted to shout from the top of our lungs on how good it is.  



– 18oz of ground beef 16P

– 4 bell peppers (red, green, yellow, orange, purple???  Just making sure you are there) 4C

– 2/3cup white onion chopped  1C

– 3cups of low sugar content marinara sauce  6C

– 24 Almonds crushed (place in a ziplock bag and crush with the marinara jar) 8F

– 1 clove minced  Freebie

– 4cups of spinach 1C

– 1/2tsp red pepper flakes  Freebie

– 1/2tsp of Mrs. Dash seasoning  Freebie



Cook the ground beef, garlic, onions, and seasonings in a medium sized pan.  While the beef is cooking, prep your bell peppers; cut the tops off the peppers and core the inside.  Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees F  When beef has browned, drain the fat out of the pan.  Place the meat back on heat, add 2 cups of marinara, crushed red peppers, crushed almonds and spinach cook for another 2 minutes.

Take the beef marinara mix off the stove.  Place the mix evenly into the four peppers.  Place the stuffed peppers in a pyrex that is sprayed with non-stick spray.  Place in the oven for 20 minutes to let the peppers blister.  

Place the peppers on a serving dish and cover with the remaining cup of marinara spread a 1/4cup over all four.  Uhh, can you say delicious!?! 

This recipe makes 18P, 12C, 8F.  If evenly seperated, this will make 4 meals at 3P, 3C, 2F.  Add some tasty guac or avos for additional fats. (1.5oz of ground beef per block of protein)

Top pepper