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Monday 101115


21 – 15 and 9 rep rounds for time of:

Turkish get-ups, 24kg/16kg


Good mornings, 95#/65#

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David during the pull-up/HSPU WOD last week.

Do you know your sweat rate?  You should.  

The average person will lose 1.5 quarts of water in an hour while exercising.  Studies have shown that a loss of as little as 2% body mass will result in dehydration and therefore effect your performance.  We lose fluids in our body by working hard and sweating, increased respirations, and through urination.  So now you need to know you sweat rate to keep your body performing at an optimal level.  Lets do the math.  Make sure that you are well hydrated before you do this test.

  • Weigh yourself without any clothes on and before you workout.  This will be your “pre-WOD” weight
  • Perform a WOD at a high intensity 
  • Keep track of water consumed during the WOD if any
  • After the WOD, strip down and wipe off any sweat and weigh yourself again.  This will by your “post-WOD” weight
  • Subtract the post-WOD weight from the pre-WOD weight
  • Multiply the sum by 16 
  • If you drank any water during the WOD, add those ounces

Here is an example: 

Pre-WOD: 170lbs
Post-WOD: 167lbs
Lbs. lost: 3lbs
Water consumed: 8oz
(170-167)x16= 48
48+8oz= 56

Total fluids lost during a WOD would be 56oz.  

So now you are equipped with another tool to keep your performance up.  Temperature will greatly affect your sweat rate, so be sure to calculate your rate periodically during season changes.  

A sign of interesting things to come to CrossFit Verve? Programming With Matt: Implementing Westside Barbell Into CrossFit.

Saturday 101112


Back squat 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 reps

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7am nap time.  Just like in kindergarten.

Friday 101112


21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 and 3 rep rounds for time of:

Sumo deadlift high pull, 75#/55#

Push jerk, 75#/55#

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Some of the PM crew, first one to name everyone gets a free shirt.

"Mechanism of Action!"

Hormones are essentially chemical messengers at work in our bodies.  The endocrine hormones regulate many of the things that happen in our bodies.  For example, our mood, growth and development, tissue function, and metabolism are all controlled by signals from our endocrine system.  One hormone in particular,glucagon, is released by the pancreas in response to ingestion of proteins. This hormone is responsible for preventing blood sugar levels from falling to dangerously low levels.  It does so by causing the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose (blood sugar) and releases it into the bloodstream – diverting disaster.

For this reason, you can think of glucagon as the mechanism of action – it takes stored energy and uses it.  What's interesting about this is that glucagon performs the exact oppositefunction of insulin.  Insulin causes cells in the liver, muscle, and adipose tissue to suck up glucose from the blood and store it for use by the muscles, thereby halting the use of fat as an energy source.  Got it?  Glycogen mobilizes, insulin stores.

Let's take a moment to think about that last sentence and how it relates to USDA food pyramid that was released in 1992.


Glucagon (mobilizing) is released in response to protein ingestion… and insulin (storing) is released in response to carbohydrate ingestion.  How many servings of the above pyramid are made up of carbs and how many are made up of proteins?  That looks like a whole lot of storage and not a whole lot of mobilizing.  Yikes!

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Thursday 101111


Ten rounds, 10 – 9 – 8 – … – 2 – 1 for time of:

Overhead squats, 115#/75#

Push-ups w/ release

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It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a Zienkiezicz.

What’s that on the bar!?!

We go to the gym to be healthy and fit.  Some might be leaving with more that just a great workout.  Studies have shown that there are several bacterial and viral germs that have been found in gyms across the U.S.  Most common is Staphylococcus aureus, or “Staph”  A more severe version that has been documented at gyms is Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus(MRSA).  This infection is resistant to the medications used to treat Staph and can infect blood and bones of your body.  

So you are asking yourself right now, “Self?”  How do I stay away from these germs and not get sick?  Some might say to stay at home and avoid all human contact.  But where is the fun in that?  You can help yourself and your fellow CrossFiters by following some simple steps.  

  1. Try to not come in to the gym when you are sick.  The WOD’s will be there when you get back, not to worry.  
  2. If you leave some of your self at the gym, please clean it up.  If you tear your hands on the pull-up bars or bleed on the bar, please clean it up.  If you have a tendency to tear your shins when you are Oly lifting, wipe down the bar.  There is nothing better than finding a bar with dried blood on it.  
  3. Try to wash hands before and after using equipment.  

These are just some ways to help keep you concentrating on your performance, and not  catching some deadly virus.  We have anti bacterial wipe for your use, feel free to use as many as you need.


Wednesday 101110


For time:

21 Pull-ups
21 Handstand push-ups

18 Pull-ups
18 Handstand push-ups

15 Pull-ups
15 Handstand push-ups

12 Pull-ups
12 Handstand push-ups

9 Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups

6 Pull-ups
6 Handstand push-ups

3 Pull-ups
3 Handstand push-ups

Pull-ups are deadhang, meaning kipping is considered scaling the workout.

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Patty White, working through push-ups.

Sara Weisbart found this recipe at everyday paleo which is super delicious.  It has just enough spice that it is not overpowering.  We thank Sara for submitting this recipe and we made some modifications to make it Paleo/Zone. 

– One whole chicken or 5lbs of chicken breast.  80P
– 1cup of chicken broth
– 1 white onion sliced, one onion usually will be 2C
– 1tsp of paprika
– 1tsp of cayenne 
– 1tsp of white pepper
– 1tsp of poultry seasoning
– 1tsp of garlic powder


Mix all of the spices in a bowl.  Rub the spices on all sides of the chicken and make sure that there are no bare spots.  Lay the onions on the bottom of the croc pot.  Place the chicken on the onions and add the broth.  Set the croc pot for 5-6 hours on low.  

This chicken is the BOMB!  We added some roasted brussel sprouts to make a full meal.  

Roasted brussel sprouts

– A bag of brussel sprouts  3/4cup=1C (we get a 2lb bag at Costco)
– 1Tbs of olive oil 9F
– 1/2tsp of Mrs. Dash
– 1/2tsp of dill
– 1/2tsp of pepper


Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl and be sure to cover all of the sprouts.  Place on a cookie sheet and cook for 20 minutes or until the the sprouts are crispy.

Sprouts and chx 

The meal pictured has 3oz of chicken, 2C blocks of brussel sprouts, 1C block of strawberries, and 3F blocks of pecans.  Yummmm!!!

"7 Essential Skills You Didn't Learn In College" – Wired University

Tuesday 101109


"Test 3"

Tabata squat
Max reps of muscle-ups in 4 minutes

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Begin time for muscle-ups immediately after the last 10 second rest interval. Test score equals Tabata score multiplied by number of muscle-ups completed.

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Dougie fresh, LOVED Monday's WOD, and would like to do it again.

Events and news you can use:

This weekend join Verve athletes at the Front Range CrossFit Fall Weightlifting Meet. This is a cool opportunity to watch weightlifters at their finest, performing the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk..  This event is in weight classes and starts at 10am on Saturday and Sunday.  Check Front Range CrossFit for heat details.

Verve will be closed for Nov. 20th in order to cheer, challenge and celebrate at MBS CrossFit during the Earn you Turkey Challenge 2010.  Verve will have 15 athletes putting their fittness to the test in three WOD's.  A 5K run, the CF total and a mystery challenge. Check out MBS CrossFit for more details. 

Verve WILL be open on Thanksgiving for one gigantic class at 9am, location TBA.  You can expect funess!

Get ready to PARTY! Dec 4th is Verve's official holiday extravaganza.  Any thoughts on how to make it spicy? Workout, costume, wear?  Either way save the date, more details to come.

How Fit are You? 

Monday 101108


Mark 18" above your tiptoe reach and complete five rounds for time of:

50 Jump and touch
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

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What an inspirational video, bravo to believing in something and going after it!

10 Easy Steps to Self Destruction: 

Sacrifice Sleep
Inadequate sleep (less than 7 or 8 hours a night) has been tied to many different health problems, including obesity, diabetes and cancer. Mental fatigue is also as big of a risk factor for vehicular accidents as alcohol. 

Ignore Doctor
Many Americans agree that their health is hardly worth finding thirty minutes among 526,000 for that once-per-year physical exam.
Dumb Down your Brain
Reading, doing crosswords and tackling sudokus are all risky behaviors if you're looking to avoid Alzheimer's. The degenerative brain disease attacks almost everyone who lives long enough, though mind games and puzzles are known to ward off the effects.

Have lots of Unprotected Sex
Sex in itself is amazing, (agreed) it's how you do it that could mean life or death (hum). The self-destructor doesn't use protection, ignores the partner's sexual history and shuns the annual medical exam. Twelve million Americans contract sexually transmitted diseases every year, many of which can leave the victim infertile. Killing yourself and preventing new births.

If people wanted to increase their chance of surviving 'til a ripe old age, they'd fly everywhere. Driving kills more people aged 1 to 35 than anything else, a statistic that could drop to near zero if everyone just stayed home. But how fun would that be? So hit the road, forget the speed limit, yak on your cell phone, or worse, eat, and don't buckle up if you're anxious to become part of this popular statistic. 

The occasional drink of alcohol, especially wine, can be beneficial to your health, many studies suggest. But if you're looking to do yourself in, overdo it. Besides alcoholism of course, too much booze causes liver damage, diabetes and is the root cause of nearly 100,000 deaths per year. 

Creating more stress in your life is a great way to invite all kinds of diseases to attack the body. When you're chronically stressed, the adrenal glands are forced to work overtime and eventually exhaust themselves, inhibiting the immune system. So go ahead and worry about everything from the color of your socks to whether dinner will be ready on time. Your hormones won't know what hit them.


Not only is television entertaining, it can keep us on the couch for hours at a time several days per week. The average American spends a full 9 years of his life glued to the boob tube, years that could otherwise be spent. Resist the urge! Being an obese, sedentary TV-addicted couch potato makes for speedy self-destruction, though you may be a little smarter (if you watch those nerdy science channels).
They don't call them cancer sticks for nothing: Tobacco-related illnesses are America's number two killer, and the most preventable. But if you're bent on putting the kibosh to healthy living, go ahead and light up; just one cigarette will immediately increase your blood pressure and decrease the circulation to your extremities. Imagine what you could do with a pack.

#1 Sugar
Last year, at least 400,000 Americans managed to kill themselves based almost solely on what they ate. Heart disease is the country's number one killer and, while some of that comes from genetics, most of it's due to the sugar we put in our bodies. Looking for the most effective, probably most enjoyable way to do yourself in? Eat sugar or a high carbohydrate diet.

-Adapted from Live Science, a science, health and technology news publication, March 2008

Sunday 101107


In 15 minutes clean & jerk 1RM for the day

Followed by;
3×3 Tall cleans @ 65% 
5×1 Jerk + press @ 60%

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Strong belly's!

Reminder: Skills session at noon – come work those weaknesses.

Saturday 101106


For time:

400m Walking lunge

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Come today at 11am and work on your weakness!

Friday 101105


30 – 25 – 20 – 15 – 10 and 5 rep rounds for time of:


Box jumps, 24"/20"

Toes to bar

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Joylyn, rockin' 1/2" chains during a strict pull-up… rad!

Easy Zone/Paleo breakfast… and fast!!!



  • 3 eggs scrambled  3P 
  • 1/2cup of diced tomatoes 1C
  • 4 leaves of fresh basil chopped  Freebie!
  • 1 apple sliced  2C
  • 3tbs of avocado  3F

Total: 3P 3C 3F


Place your eggs in the skillet and let cook for 1 minute.  Add the tomato and basil and let cook for another minute.  Fold the egg on its self to make your tasty omelet.  Top with the avocado for your fats and finish off with your crisp apple.  There you have it.  A full three block breakfast that is epic.